#Whoopsie Stumbled into some #DNAngel.
Good #show actually. Proof that #XEBEC could do so much more if they were given #budget ( #RyuuseiNoRockman was great for the lil bjdget Cappy most likely made available for it) #AnimeAlcea https://dnaddiction.livejournal.com/2596.html
#whoopsie #dnangel #show #xebec #budget #ryuuseinorockman #animealcea
One time we were shooting 105mm howitzers. C3s I think. Fuze was ordered at 40 something seconds. The gun crew set it for .40 seconds. It detonated several meters from the muzzle, but still inside our position. I remember it happening at least twice before they solved the problem. In hindsight, I was in danger.
I hate that! Beautiful solder job, then you realise you forgot the cover for the DIN5 socket. #electronics #whoopsie #doh
I’ve been baking for a long time, most of my life.
Decided the morning of our eldest’s fifth birthday was the perfect time to try fondant for the first time.
Long story short, I’m not known for my excellent choices.
"bug was missed because it only presented when many aircraft at the same time were using the system.
Subsequently, a test of the software under high demand was developed."
Hug your nearest FBI agent, they're having 𝘢 𝘮𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 right now #FBI #Russia #CounterIntelligence #Whoopsie
#fbi #russia #counterintelligence #whoopsie
Supreme Court denies case seeking to remove Biden and reinstate tRump. #OnlyTheBestPeople. #whoopsie. https://www.rawstory.com/supreme-court-trump-2020/
I just asked my partner if they'd joint me later for ice cream.
"Why ice cream?", they asked, innocently enough.
I answered "have you *tasted* ice cream?"
It took me a little while to realise my partner was asking if there was a reason for getting a treat, rather than specifically enquiring why it would be ice cream.
Funny. But not funny haha 😂
#actuallyautistic #whoopsie #misunderstanding
Ooh, I’ve come over all Michael McCormack, don’t know if I’m Arthur or Martha, don’t know if I’m trying to be culturally sensitive or if I’m just off my face while representing the nation.
Cybercriminals breach FBI portal for people fighting cybercrime.
I'm yet to look at the mastodon Web interface. I've only used the one official(?) app. I think I may be doing it wrong™️
That said, realising this fact has explained why so many helpful how to tips have made absolutely no sense to me. 😂
I have learned to add #hashtags
So, I'll practice that now...
#Autistic #adhd
#Dyslexic #whoopsie
#whoopsie #dyslexic #actuallyautistic #adhd #autistic #hashtags