🌐🧬WHO and partners launched a global #network to accelerate progress on pathogen genomic surveillance #IPSN. RKI is proud to partner with #WHOPandemicHub who hosts the network and to support through joint projects.
➡️ https://www.who.int/initiatives/international-pathogen-surveillance-network
#network #ipsn #whopandemichub
RT @Chikwe_I
Yesterday was a special day at the #WHOPandemicHub
Ahead of our #WHOHubSpeakerSeries, we opened doors for our global community to meet the team & gain insight into our projects including collaborative work with partners from @rki_de & @fraunhofer_scai
#whohubspeakerseries #whopandemichub
RT @Chikwe_I
Three exciting epidemiologist positions for the very best epis at the #WHOPandemicHub
Details 👇🏽
RT @Chikwe_I
Three exciting epidemiologist positions for the very best epis at the #WHOPandemicHub
Details 👇🏽
RT @OWMorgan
It was great to be at the @GSTICseries conference hosted by @fiocruz_en @fiocruz
Multidisciplinary conversations about #climate #biodiversity #publichealth #epidemics #pandemics
The work of the
#WHOPandemicHub encompasses this and more
#whopandemichub #pandemics #epidemics #publichealth #biodiversity #Climate
RT @Chikwe_I@twitter.com
At #WHOPandemicHub, our work revolves around preparing for epidemics
We’re building a collaborative Hub so that the world has better access to data, better analytical capacities, & better tools for decision-making
#whopandemichub #internationaldayofepidemicpreparedness
RT @Chikwe_I
Excited to share my blog with @economistimpact is now live!
Click to read on ways to strengthen public health surveillance systems; evolving roles of national, regional & global institutions; and the concept of collaborative surveillance
RT @Chikwe_I@twitter.com
.@DirkBrockmann@twitter.com challenges us not to only think about an interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary, but an antidisciplinary approach that could affect the response to health emergencies
Fascinating discussion at #WHOHubSpeakerSeries on the complexity of pandemics
#whohubspeakerseries #whopandemichub