Time to be transparent - I've asked @Typhoo_Tea to publish it's list of Assam suppliers to support tea workers' struggle for better conditions and pay. Will you join me? #WhoPickedMyTea https://action.traidcraft.org.uk/typhoo-who-picked?refsid=15574
Big news! Clipper has joined the growing number of tea brands who have answered the question #Whopickedmytea? Your support is making a huge difference! https://www.traidcraft.org.uk/blog/2018/11/15/clipper-publishes … #tradefairlivefair
#whopickedmytea #tradefairlivefair
I've asked the big tea brands (Talking to you: #PGTips, #Twinings, #Typhoo, #YorkshireTea, #Tetley and #Clipper) #WhoPickedMyTea? because I want to know that the people behind my #tea are paid a decent wage and are treated with respect. Will you join me? https://action.traidcraft.org.uk/who-picked-my-tea-freedom
via #TraidCraftExch
#solidarity #India #workersrights 🙆
#pgtips #twinings #typhoo #yorkshiretea #tetley #clipper #whopickedmytea #tea #traidcraftexch #solidarity #india #workersrights
Help @traidcraftexch ask some of the biggest tea brands #whopickedmytea https://www.freedomunited.org/advocate/who-picked-my-tea/