I'll write more later on how Ed #Prescott's major contributions came to be, but in fact other economists did so in the 1970s to 1990s better than us
Today's #whosaidwhenhistecon is thus in honor of Prescott
So who said when (and to whom?) 1/n
"Prescott has written on finance..industrial org, macro, adaptative control, optimal control...bayesian econ. Tom has hit more home run than Ed, Ed has hit more doubles and triples. Ed is an all around basic price man..."
#Prescott #whosaidwhenhistecon
A new #whosaidwhenhistecon from moi
Who said that the BLS staff should all be sent to Guam if they can't "fix" the CPI?
answer to #whosaidwhenhistecon: it's an excerpt from Heckman's fascinating 2000 Nobel lecture https://www.nobelprize.org/uploads/2018/06/heckman-lecture.pdf
I wonder whether economics has fully caught up with its implications