GPR Ep. 501: L.I. Who 60 Recap
[it’s a small con, after all]
We’ve returned, rested, and recovered (somewhat) from the NY-area Whovian convention, with a few stories and a lovely conversation with Michael Troughton.
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Our friend Jeremy Radick was among those who chatted with us for our conversation on what makes Doctor Who so valuable, and among the reasons was the fact that representation and diverse voices are increasingly important to the program's creation.
#doctorwho #drwho #whovian #whovians #gallifreypublicradio
GPR Ep. 500: The Value of Who
[television transcendant]
Celebrating both a banner year for Doctor Who and a milestone for our podcast, we talk with friends about what makes this program more than just a ‘show’.
It’s a long episode by our standards, but we hope you enjoy the introspections and conversations as much as we enjoyed having them.
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#podcast #doctorwho #drwho #whovian #whovians #gallifreypublicradio #dwpd
Hace años me topé con un artista que pintaba cabinas telefónicas. Yo le pedí una pequeña modificación y orgullosa estoy de tenerlo colgado en mi habitación #doctorwho #whovian #tardis
How difficult was it choosing to
advance (or discard) beloved friends of the Doctor?
Episode 499 puts that awful decision right in YOUR
lap. Y'welcome!
#drwho #whovian #whovians #doctorwho #podcast
GPR Ep. 499: Tournament of Time – The Semifinals
[This ain’t Thunderdome]
We’re narrowing to the finalists in our competitive brackets for both the (televised) iterations of the Master, and the (non-companion) Friends of the Doctor.
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The Doctor races to save the Earth from a devastating Dalek invasion and the solution seems to involve a last minute summoning up of the Dalek's second most powerful nemesis across all of Time itself: the irresistable smell of freshly fried bacon.
#addbacontomakeitbetter #hashtaggames #doctorwho #who #whovian #dalek #TimeLords #gallifrey
Lots of these after the main ones are new to me. Very cool. 😻
GPR Ep. 496: On Behalf Of
[I’m not just a Doctor, I’m also a client]
If we returned to the days of TV characters appearing in commercial adverts to shill products, who would we see endorsing what items?
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I would like to recommend a useful site to all my #Trekkie and #Whovian friends! 😎
This site has episode transcripts for #StarTrek and #DoctorWho. The transcripts are carefully written, with character notation, scene context, some commentary, and even a bit of description for visually impaired fans! 👏
Unfortunately, there is not much modern Trek (currently only Disco S1&4), because the author is limited to what has (legally) aired for free in the UK. 😉
#trekkie #whovian #startrek #doctorwho #5cifigirl
2/4 Gemeinsam mit dem legendären #FourthDoctor hat der Joggi die Daleks daran gehindert, einmal mehr Unheil über die Welt zu bringen #drwho #whovian #timelord #4thdoctor
#4thdoctor #timelord #whovian #drwho #FourthDoctor
GPR Ep. 493: Right in the Feels
[In space, no one can hear you sob]
This week, we go around the table and share moments from Doctor Who that hurt the most; ones that had particularly strong emotional pull and made us love the show more for the pain it caused.
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GPR Ep. 492: Prisoner of the Judoon (SJA Rewatch)
[fo mo no go]
Elisabeth Sladen tries on her “evil goatee” in a story where Sarah Jane is overtaken by a nihilistic alien fugitive.
(No, not THAT fugitive of the Judoon, though.)
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#podcast #doctorwho #drwho #whovian #whovians #gallifreypublicradio #sarahjaneadventures
GPR Ep. 491: The Caves of Androzani (Classic Rewatch)
[the planet of awful people]
the planet of awful people
The Doctor and Peri are quite literally caught in the crossfire of a drug-fueled power struggle that they had absolutely nothing to do with, and yet pay the ultimate price for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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