Not a big television fan, but since I don't have to pay for Netflix I sometimes watch things.
"Who Were We Running From?"
is fantastic. I think I'm going to binge the rest of this thing ASAP.
It's not actually TV I's the Hollywood monsters and the endless sh!t they produce. 😄
The two amazing leads, the building suspense and slow onion-peel backstory, the wardrobe, the's just stunning, and so smart.
TV TONIGHT (March 24)
#UpHere #MyKindOfCountry #DaisyJonesAndTheSix #Shrinking #TruthBeTold #PerfectAddition #Reggie #DearEdward #LoveIsBlind #KindredSpirits #NCAATournament #WhoWereWeRunningFrom #GrandCrew #WhoseLine #Dateline #DragRace #PowerGhost
#powerghost #dragrace #dateline #WhoseLine #grandcrew #whowerewerunningfrom #NCAATournament #kindredspirits #LoveIsBlind #dearedward #reggie #perfectaddition #truthbetold #shrinking #daisyjonesandthesix #mykindofcountry #UpHere