Dear under the influence of flipping and (read: 'Screw'-gle ),

If you and think you know what is going on in the world…

If you think gold is a good , but you don't know about how the has been stealing 's gold, how gold is mined with child labour and toxic chemicals, how gold is seized, etc.

Then please do your damned homework!

#Australians #rumble #youtube #ScrewTube #storeOfValue #uk #venezuala #whyBitcoin

Last updated 1 year ago

George Saoulidis · @glowleaf
89 followers · 32884 posts · Server

RT @PoetBitcoin


Last updated 3 years ago

Bitcoin uses some , that can be .

Housing waste entire homes and that could be , demand constant govt support, schemes, seminars to indoctrinate , extreme levels of and bombing to make and other to prop up the , wasting needed resources and .

Tell us again where big bad bit you.

#ewaste #recycled #speculators #land #urbanFarms #HelpToBuy #propertySpruiking #youth #immigration #refugees #handouts #ponzi #energy #bitcoin #whyBitcoin #housing #housingSpeculation #speculation #realestate #housingBubble

Last updated 3 years ago

Bitcoin uses some , that can be .

Housing waste entire homes, and for , who demand constant govt support, schemes, seminars to indoctrinate youth, extreme levels of and bombing to make and other and to prop up the , wasting precious resources and energy.

Tell us again where bit you.

#ewaste #recycled #speculators #land #urbanFarms #HelpToBuy #propertySpruiking #immigration #refugees #grants #handouts #ponzi #bitcoin #whyBitcoin #housing #housingSpeculation #speculation #realestate #housingBubble

Last updated 3 years ago

This week we also learned that the whole saga started with .

Major , and , have been reportedly behind the move to ban material from their website.

We'd again like to thank, (and this time ) for presenting this in audio form. Ask us for link (we can no longer in good conscience publically link to the podcast because is an asset).

#onlyfans #creditCardCompanies #visa #mastercard #sexuallyExplicit #whyBitcoin #RedactedTonight #amazon #bankers #NaomiKaravani #soundcloud #rt #rtDotCom

Last updated 3 years ago

This week we also learned that the whole saga started with .

Major and have been reportedly behind the move to ban material from their website.


We'd again like to thank, (and this time ) for presenting this in audio form. Ask us for link (we can no longer in good conscience publically link to the podcast because is an asset).

#onlyfans #bankers #creditCardCompanies #visa #mastercard #sexuallyExplicit #RedactedTonight #NaomiKaravani #soundcloud #amazon #rt #rtDotCom #whyBitcoin

Last updated 3 years ago

How many years is it supposed to take to unwind hundreds of years of and ?


#oligarchy #bankerAbuse #whyBitcoin

Last updated 3 years ago

What happens to the graph when you add the wars, they print for. You don't need to include all the wars. Since the introduction of in 1913…

…let's start from when closed the window to the to pay for the .

Don't forget to include all the against countries that signalled their intend to use their own , looking at you and et al.

#usd #thefed #vietnam #nixon #gold #french #vietnamwar #wars #currency #middleeast #africa #whyBitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

Back at home, here are some refugees we prepared earlier.

Murdoch Press love putting the allegedly successful on full display, "look how well tamed we've been able to make this one," is the overall subtext.

#refugee #racism #bds #landGrab #mowingTheLawn #palestine #refugeeProduction #BoycottUSD #whyBitcoin #boycottCorporateMedia

Last updated 4 years ago

The whole thing is similar. They own property as and as a way to avoid paying any , rather than the other way around (the more valueAdded / a person owns the more they should pay in tax).

These people are entitled too. "Why should I not be able to buy properties for my kids?!"

Its like the game, the faster you buy and build the more you can extract from the .

#homeowner #investments #tax #land #realestate #monopoly #pyramidscheme #Est1971 #stonks #whyBitcoin #storeOfValue

Last updated 4 years ago

TODD: Hi I'm my name's Todd, and I'm a .


TODD: I first started saving when I was in school. Yeah, those little bank books. I hoped one day I could save enough *sob* to buy a house. I COULDN'T *sob*


#saver #saverTherapy #saversAnonymous #criminalSyndicate #underground #warOnSavers #banks #assetinflation #whyBitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

Oh yeah, the other thing that is rotten about is they are very .

Always needs more and thus debt injected into it. To keep happy.

Its a virus that is kills orders of magnitude more than .

#stockmarkets #growthy #moneyPrinting #pensionFunds #biomass #COVID19 #superannuation #ponzischeme #fakeeconomy #makeWork #whyBitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

If you DON'T live in the US and try over , are you prevented by 's hCaptcha?

How do you feel knowing that your local sends to a US-based that effectively owns 30% of the internet, trains , controls all of 's requests, and that consistently hosts content online?

#internetBanking #tor #cloudflare #bank #customerData #corporateGiant #autonomousDrones #firefox #dns #extremist #privacy #soveignty #antitrust #monopoly #InternetCrimeFamily #GAFCAM #hCaptcha #extremism #USBased #whyBitcoin #usebitcoin

Last updated 4 years ago

Seriously, that is a stupid reason. The reason should not be extradited is that the charges are bogus. He is an esteemed and publisher that didn't do any wrong told us what is done in our name and celebrated for it.

His only crime seems to be exposing and the ruling as corrupt, murderous warmongering psychopaths.

Absolutely disgusting.

#julianassange #journalist #hillaryclinton #bankers #whyBitcoin #whyDeleteGAFAM #whyDeleteCloudflare #deleteTheEstablishment #defundAllTheJeffreyEpsteins

Last updated 4 years ago