If you want to support #decolonizing #sigchi, please sign up at this form to learn more about how to join the movement.
#whychi shouldn't be in Hawaii? https://www.chiinhawaii.info/
Please retoot
I understand that many people feel conflicted, and do not know how they can take action when they feel alone. Therefore, I am organizing a list of dissenters. I have been vocal about my commitments to justice in HCI since I was a student, both online, in person, and in academic writing. The data you submit will not be released to anyone, and connections to other dissenters will not be made without the express permission of all parties. My first intent is to collect data on the numbers of dissenters, and then, if possible, to coordinate action between members of volunteer groups. I am not using Google or Microsoft products to collect or store this data, nor am I using products associated with my institutional affiliation. You can enter your information in this form, if interested: https://www.psytoolkit.org/c/3.4.4/survey?s=usWyk
This is an excerpt from: https://open.substack.com/pub/fractalecho/p/educating-the-masters?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
I release the following post regarding #CHI2024, #whyCHI, and any other academic conference planning to remain in Hawai'i in this or any other year. May this discomfort lead us to new knowledge and renewed action.
Really interested in the #whychi discussions about hosting CHI2024 in Hawaii.
Here's a quick discussion roundup (from Mastodon and Twitter):
Question for HCI folks who read Prof. Hester’s #whychi petition to limit involvement with CHI 2024 in Hawai’i:
How did it change your engagement with the conference, if at all?
@kathringerling agree. It seems tangential to the issues brought up by #whychi
https://chi2024.acm.org/2023/08/18/help-to-support-maui-fire-relief/ If this is your statement, CHI, then I'm sorry, but money alone won't fix things. We need to change our behaviour, and we need to accept that we cannot have it all. #chi2024 #whychi
@RaphaelWimmer Thanks for the pointer. It looks like the UH template encourages personal reflection on one's relationship to Hawaii and its people. Meanwhile, #chi2024 acknowledgement is a near word-for-word copy of somebody else's text including the presumably personal preamble "it is with profound reflection...". This creates an impression of lack of reflection or effort.
#CHI is my home & I don't want to bash my community. But I want to make sense of Prof. Hester's concerns.
I put a fragment of the land acknowledgement from the #chi2024 web site into a search engine; it is copied almost word-for-word (including the opening "it is with profound reflection that we offer up this Land Acknowledgement") from a speech by UH Provost (https://www.hawaii.edu/news/2019/10/31/uh-manoa-land-acknowledgment-to-native-hawaiians/). First, it makes CHI's land acknowledgment look insincere. Second, as Prof. Hester points out, the original was part of a speech supporting a new Maunakea telescope which some Native Hawaiians strongly oppose.
I spoke briefly with a colleague who participated in this year's ICML conference which just took place in Hawaii. Some things ICML did to be better guests: 1. For on-site child care, they partnered with Aloha Sitters, a local small business owned and operated by economically disadvantaged women; 2. They made a panel on AI and Marginalized Languages one of the central events at the main conference; 3. They organized an event for local high school students.
No judgement. Just info.
I've already said in January that I won't be submitting to, reviewing for, or attending #CHI2024: https://hci.social/@floe/109658352678581278
Now after the #Maui fires, there's renewed discussion about #whychi - read below for a very thoughtful appeal for not supporting CHI this year.
@julian @kgajos same here. I wasn't planning to attend CHI, but our team has now decided to route 2 papers to CSCW instead due to this. Very well articulated set of points that answered various questions I had.
I liked the #whychi hashtag Josiah proposed. I hope to see some discussions about it here.