#Freelancing: How to be made to feel completely expendable on a daily basis.
#AmEditing #LoveMyWork #WhyFreelancingSucks #IWouldRatherBePartOfATeam #Publishing
#freelancing #amediting #lovemywork #whyfreelancingsucks #iwouldratherbepartofateam #publishing
#TIL: Setting a commenting box's properties as default in Acrobat also keeps the reviewer's name. It won't attach your name on your changes after using that other person's properties as default. And this other reviewer's name _enters your other documents_.
Preferences tweaks (use login name as commenting name), resetting your default, and then shutting off "use login name" can fix it. Whew. That was some "learning" I hadn't counted on today.
#til #freelancershavetobetheirownit #whyfreelancingsucks
I want a world where I can charge my hourly rate to the Typhoid Mary who went to the party and got me sick so I too can have some PTO. #WhyFreelancingSucks #AmTryingToEdit #CoughingUpMyLungs
#whyfreelancingsucks #amtryingtoedit #coughingupmylungs
I'm sure this applies to freelancers of many types. For freelance editors to get a raise, they have to find new clients. I have some that haven't changed their rates in the 10+ years I've been working for them. It's a rare client who gives freelancers a raise. This is why freelancers can never relax or feel stable.
#WhyFreelancingSucks #FreelancerWhoWouldRatherHaveARealJob #LoveMyWork #AmEditing
#whyfreelancingsucks #freelancerwhowouldratherhavearealjob #lovemywork #amediting