I cannot be the only person who finds #StrayGods uncomfortably similar to #WicDiv in way too many respects, right? I really hope it's just a case of a zeitgeist, shared context or inspiration, but it just doesn't sit with me really
Found some #WicDiv TPB's by @kierongillen, Jamie McKelvie, Matthew Wilson & Clayton Cowles in a second hand book store today. I already own digital copies, but nothing beats the smell of paper. Of course, now I'll have to visit that store regularly to yoink the rest of the series if it shows up as well. 🤷 #comics
@pixelpaperyarn Reading anything good? I'm mostly catching up on #Saga, #Lumberjanes, and #WicDiv, but I'm also eagerly awaiting my next issues of #Breathless and of Tina Horn's #SFSX.
#sfsx #breathless #wicdiv #lumberjanes #saga
Just read #WicDiv 42 last night. No details, don't worry.
For a long time they've been giving us big reveals in the form of hard emotional gut punches and answers that lead to more questions.
We're finally at the "actual answers and also a little bit of comfort for all that hurt" stage of the game, and it's very very good.
If you've fallen behind a bit on this series I recommend picking it back up.
So good.
Just read #WicDiv no. 40 and *wow* I need a hug. No spoilers, but that was a lot.
My feelings are all feelings-y and I can't even remember ever crying this much at a comic.
Oh wait, yes I do, it was the same series no. 13. Dang, Gillen, way to just wreck my heart again.
In a good way, though. Very very good.
October Reading:
"Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" by Caitlin Doughty for #NFBookClub
"The Girl With All The Gifts" by M. R. Carey for #SFFBookClub
And then if I finish those...
"The Rules of Magic" by Alice Hoffman
Rereading #WicDiv (currently mid-volume 2) before the next arc starts.
Plus *maybe* finishing up one of the 6 or so books I started and then forgot.
#nfbookclub #sffbookclub #wicdiv #amreading
New #WicDiv special comes out *on my birthday* and then another one with short stories in November and THEN.
Final arc for WicDiv starts *and* apparently Kieron Gillen's starting up a new comic.
I'm so excited right now.
1 - Book you've kind of meant to read but haven't yet.
It was always sort of way at the back of the list, like "I mean, you gotta read it *eventually* right?"
Then I read the #WicDiv issue centered on Shelley (and Byron et al) and got way more interested.
But then I watched some YT thing about it that said it assumed people were familiar with these 4 other books so I figured I should read them first.
But now I think, meh, who cares. I'm gonna read it.
Shit Cassie says about gods.
"Do you know what I see? Kids posturing with a Wikipedia summary's understanding of myth." - issue 1
"We don't know whether she's Buddhist, Hindu or Tara from fucking Buffy." - issue 2
"Baphomet isn't a 'real' god, unless you care what Crowley thinks, and no one should *ever* care what Crowley thinks." - issue 9
Cassie, love, do *you* even know what you think about the gods and how real they are? 😆
I know I've already said I would go to Ragnarok, I just really feel the need to reiterate that. XD
Just, look at this map key. Look at it. It's a thing of beauty.
These restaurants! Bap-O-Meat. Amateragu Italian. INANNA AND OUT BURGERS.
I just. I can't even.
Comic, I love you.
More serious comments later probably.
That ending scene! What does it mean!?
Note: having read this part of the story at least 3 times now and also having read the entire series published so far, I actually still have no idea. Or, some idea, but no conclusive answers.
Persephone is *always* the Destroyer and has always been a part of the Pantheon, but wouldn't always have been *called* Persephone. At one point she might have been Ereshkigal, which has some interesting implications for Laura's relationship with "Baphomet."
They keep playing out the same story. I wonder what they're aiming at, and if at some point this experimentation with language and myth will let them find a way to end the destruction. #WicDiv
As time went on and people became more aware of and took more interest in other cultures, there were more options. More specific language to communicate someone's role.
I think the gods that show up in each Recurrence are named for the roles they'll play in Ananke's game, and inspired by who they are as people. By "finding them," she means she's looking for someone who embodies a divine trait she thinks will be of use each time. 2/?
#AmReading #WicDiv 36. Thanks for the reminder, @jake@cat-from-outer.space ! I have a subscription to the series but hadn't gotten my usual message it was waiting for me. Went to the store and sure enough, there it was!
So excited. Last issue was a hell of a cliffhanger.
The first time I read #WicDiv I barely noticed the references to Tara. I remembered Luci being kind of dismissive, but Luci's a jerk and I thought it was just her typical needling.
Issue 13 was such a heavy blow. Tara's one of my favorites now and it *hurts* seeing how much hatred everyone, even Laura, seems to have for her. We really don't get enough of her in this series.
Also, people suck sometimes.
Thoughts on this issue? Favorites/least favorites?
Anyone else super excited Baal is finally here? (I mean, you know, 3 issues in isn't *that* long but still.)
Other things you're excited about related to the comic? Alternately, things you're dreading?
There's so much of the pantheon left to reveal. It feels so small right now.
The idea of the Pantheon's cult as its own religion in the #WicDiv verse is so fascinating to me and I wish we saw more of what that religion looks like, particularly in the 90 year silences.
Even during the Recurrences, the miracles are easy to dismiss, as Cass does, particularly if their primary miracle (speech/song/writing) doesn't speak to you.
Who do you relate to more here? Why do you think our reactions to spiritual experiences vary so much?
#WicDivClub Questions
How did you hear about The Wicked and the Divine? What drew you to it? So far (not necessarily just issue one, however far along you are in the series) is it meeting your expectations?