Awhile back someone boosted the club as "wherever you are in the series, talk about it" or something. I corrected them at the time because I was trying for a read-along, but...
You know what, that's a great idea. And takes a lot of pressure off me to keep up with it, which has been hard lately.
So now that's what it's for. Reading WicDiv? Wanna talk about it? COOL! It belongs here (if you want it to).
Just CW spoilers w/issue number or similar.
And on the other hand Laura believes it does matter, that it matters more than anything. She wants to be a god more than she wants to live.
That's obviously very dangerous. But there's a lot of room between the two extremes.
Where would you fall on that line? Is there a point in finding inspiration and hope in other people's words, or are we stuck in a meaningless universe all on our own?
(Or if you have a totally different read, let me know!)
While pulling the quotes for that, though, I found another one for her that explains what she *actually* means and believes. So yeah, she does.
In issue 2, Laura sarcastically says that Luci's fakery exploded heads.
"Not that. What they *do*. When they speak. The tongues. That's a lie. It does nothing. It means nothing."
I forgot/glossed over that part.
She knows they're real, she just thinks they don't matter. Which is basically what Luci says in issue 1.
Shit Cassie says about gods.
"Do you know what I see? Kids posturing with a Wikipedia summary's understanding of myth." - issue 1
"We don't know whether she's Buddhist, Hindu or Tara from fucking Buffy." - issue 2
"Baphomet isn't a 'real' god, unless you care what Crowley thinks, and no one should *ever* care what Crowley thinks." - issue 9
Cassie, love, do *you* even know what you think about the gods and how real they are? 😆
I have 2 major reading-related goals today.
1 - Finally post my thoughts on issue 9 of WicDiv for #WicDivClub
2 - Pull myself away from werecat romance long enough to read at least 20 pages of my current non-fiction book.
I also have to work on an RPG I'm running tomorrow in a system I've never used. So I guess technically "read a whole lot of stuff on Deadlands" is also on the list.
Hey #WicDivClub
This week is sooooo busy for me and it seems like at least one other person is still catching up. Wanna push issue 10 back a week and stay on 9 for a bit?
Issue 9 this week!
I might not get to it till Monday or Tuesday, but please feel more than welcome to start off discussion if you have things to say.
Re: my question the other day about whether Cassie was invited to the mind-party or not. Apparently yes. I was just looking at the panel where she's freaking out about it and she's clearly w/in the pink-aura full-of-stars haze. She's just utterly unaffected by it.
Too clear-sighted for Dio's mojo.
I love her so much.
Eternal besties Laura & Inanna.
Dionysos! He's here! OMG finally!
Cassandra freaking out at everyone else freaking out. 😁 She's a darling. I wonder, though. Did no one invite her, did she refuse, or was she just actually physically incapable of joining in?
Cassandra setting up to punch Woden. Yes.
Baphomet being a smartass. And the reveal that Morrigan lied. 😱
That last Dio page. Fuck.
"I could be hurt if I wasn't famously lovely." ✨
"You're full of stars too!" 🙌
"I'm pretty sure 50% of you want to hit the dance floor." ⚡
"There's no music! I repeat! No music! What are you all fucking dancing to?!" ✍️
"Sure. I speak to the dead. The dead don't speak back. They're dead." 🐐
"'Guy' is a small word." ✨
"Even if they forget the details...they'll remember being happy for a night. That's not a small thing." 🍇
I know I've already said I would go to Ragnarok, I just really feel the need to reiterate that. XD
Just, look at this map key. Look at it. It's a thing of beauty.
These restaurants! Bap-O-Meat. Amateragu Italian. INANNA AND OUT BURGERS.
I just. I can't even.
Comic, I love you.
More serious comments later probably.
Hey, volume 2! Awesome.
It starts off introducing us to some important people/places/events. Like hey, there's Inanna! Finally.
Also, Ragnarok, which is totally a thing I would go to every year. Probably a big part of why I connect so much with Inanna, we've both got that really quiet, awkward-in-our-own-skin, religion-nerd thing going on.
Maybe I also hope that means deep down I have a fabulous outgoing self I can eventually get to show.
Ariadne is harder to figure out, I just really want to see more of her in anything to do with gods. A lot of times she's not even really seen as a god and is always just a Dio sidekick. I definitely do *not* want her to be a Dio sidekick.
I'm thinking something like Cyndi Lauper in terms of appearance and musical style.
Lots of snake imagery, mostly in the form of jewelry but like probably she also has a corn snake or ball python as a pet and he's on some album covers.
In our world...I think Apollo's at the top of my list, followed by Ariadne.
Apollo would do something like with the Valkyries, but not in a gross objectifying way. Like, at least 75% of each album he makes is featuring some other artist he thinks is just the best thing ever and he just wants to show them to the world. And occasionally he actually just makes them semi-divine because he can't *not*, they're too perfect and he wants everyone to see what he sees.
Stepping away from the actual events in this arc, fun game time. (Well, *I* think it's fun.)
What god would you like to see in a Recursion? (Either in the series or in our world, though I mostly mean the latter.) How do you think they would look/act? What kind of artist would they be?
So, at the end of this arc everything turns up to 11 and Ananke's just like "See, you really just shouldn't even try to mess with us, we're literal gods and above your petty laws."
...How well do you think that would go over in our world? How do you think people and governments would respond? Fans?
That ending scene! What does it mean!?
Note: having read this part of the story at least 3 times now and also having read the entire series published so far, I actually still have no idea. Or, some idea, but no conclusive answers.
It seems like conversation in the #WicDivClub tag is not very active. And since I also learned recently that the collected graphic novels don't necessarily go in order (they don't include the flashback specials), I'm thinking we'll switch to volumes. So keep discussing volume 1 as a whole for the rest of June, start up with volume 2 in July.
Sound good? Or do people like the one issue at a time approach?
I love Baal. Such a great, flawed character. Even the way he describes himself is that he's bad and that's *why* people love him, they know he's bad and it makes them feel better about themselves.
Laura *adores* him and seems to like him most when he's being kind of a jerk.
Any examples of this IRL? I feel like we're quick to drop people for missteps so I can't think of any offhand, but it makes so much sense to me I think there must be.
@Pulchritude There is also #sffbookclub for Sci-Fi/Fantasy.
Also #WicDivClub where I'm reading through The Wicked & The Divine again 1 issue at a time and trying to get other people to read with me. Should probably mention here again also that if anyone sort-of participating in that has better format ideas (Want to read more at a time? Less?) I'm open to suggestions.
And I started my instance to facilitate book clubs. So if you have any ideas to start one, let me know and I'm happy to boost.