This is a great talk about how Science Platforms will change the way data reduction is performed in radio astronomy…
At ALMA, we don't have a Science Platform, but we're looking at them to see if they might be required for the WSU era…
#SciencePlatforms #ScienceGateways #CANFAR #ngVLA #SKAO #ALMA #AlmaObservatory #WidebandSensitivityUpgrade #WSU
#scienceplatforms #sciencegateways #canfar #ngvla #SKAO #alma #almaobservatory #widebandsensitivityupgrade #wsu
I gave a talk as part of the SKAO Speaker Series about the ALMA Development Program, which in essence was a recap of ALMA so far, and I think it turned out quite well.
I'm also experimienting with the Fediverse for video, and managed to publish it through PeerTube in my ALMA Observatory channel, hope you enjoy it!
#PeerTube #Fediverse #ALMA #AlmaObservatory #AlmaDevelopmentProgram #WidebandSensitivityUpgrade #WSU
#peertube #fediverse #alma #almaobservatory #almadevelopmentprogram #widebandsensitivityupgrade #wsu
Attending my second ALMA Board since I joined in June 2022! Good discussions with the ALMA Science Advisory Committee…
After that, my colleagues John Carpenter (acting Head of Development) and Carla Crovari (JAO Development Project Manager) and myself will present the latest on the Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade developments!
#alma #almaboard #asac #wsu #widebandsensitivityupgrade