The #NorthMaluku provincial govt. terminated an #MOU w/ #Bali-based company PT Leadership Islands #Indonesia (LII) when it was found that LII was working w/ #Sothebys to auction off to developers land from over 100 islands that incl. the 25K acre #WidiReserve, and sparsely populated
#communities. LII claimed that only a 'small' % would be developed. It always begins w/the 'promise' of limited commercial 'incursion,' only to be followed by waves of #wastepollution. #SDG11
#northmaluku #MOU #bali #indonesia #sothebys #widireserve #communities #wastepollution #SDG11
A group of uninhabited Indonesian islands is about to hit the auction block
#indonesianislands #WidiReserve #Asia
#indonesianislands #widireserve #asia
A group of uninhabited Indonesian islands is about to hit the auction block
#WidiReserve #islands #auction
#widireserve #islands #auction
![CDATA[A group of uninhabited Indonesian islands is about to hit the auction block]]
#indonesianislands #WidiReserve #auction
#indonesianislands #widireserve #auction