Global News BC: ‘Just devastating’: West Kelowna evacuees reeling as destructive wildfire rages #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #WestKelownaevacuation #westkelownahomeslost #westkelownaevacuees #WestKelownaWildfire #McDougallCreekfire #McDougallCreek #BCWildifres #WestKelowna #BCWildfire #Widlfires #Kelowna #Fire
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #westkelownaevacuation #westkelownahomeslost #westkelownaevacuees #westkelownawildfire #mcdougallcreekfire #mcdougallcreek #bcwildifres #WestKelowna #BCWildfire #widlfires #kelowna #fire
#WildlandFires in #Canada have been making headlines in the U.S. #CriticalZone researchers have been studying the effects of stronger and more frequent large #widlfires for decades. And, of interest to us here in the #Dust Cluster, how these disturbances contribute to the movement of small particles throughout the #ComplexSystems of the #CriticalZone.
#EnvironmentalScience #ecology
#wildlandfires #canada #CriticalZone #widlfires #dust #complexsystems #EnvironmentalScience #ecology
With several #fires raging and an #heatwave, the risk of #widlfires is growing in #Australia
#fires #heatwave #widlfires #australia