Over the last few days I've posted my #academic #introduction & 4 posts outlining my main research interests with links to articles, videos, websites & podcasts
They are:
1. #EyewitnessIdentification
2. #BystanderIntervention
3. #TechForGood
4. #WiedemannSteinerSyndrome #WSS
If you're interested in any of them, give me a follow. I'm usually pretty good at following back & tooting your work too!
The rest of the time, I like #dogs #nature #food #creativity #friends #humour
#humour #friends #creativity #food #nature #dogs #WSS #wiedemannsteinersyndrome #techforgood #bystanderintervention #eyewitnessidentification #introduction #academic
I'm founder of the #WSSPsychologyLab, the first group studying the impacts of #WiedemannSteinerSyndrome
We presented our work on #BehaviouralPhenotype, #WSSCharacteristics #SocialVulnerability & #DiagnosisExperiences at WSS Foundation conferences http://www.wssfoundation.org & recorded our talks here
Characteristics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRTP2THgZMg
Social Vulnerability: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0JtjqoUqVc&t=8s
Diagnosis experiences: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buHxeL2a4dQ&t=15s
We aim to share knowledge with #clinicians & #schools
#schools #Clinicians #diagnosisexperiences #socialvulnerability #wsscharacteristics #behaviouralphenotype #wiedemannsteinersyndrome #wsspsychologylab