We are connecting Europe đ
#DYK that you can have free access to public Wi-Fi across Europe in parks, schools, public buildings or health centres.
From industrialised areas to rural regions, #WiFi4EU is reaching municipalities across #Europe offering networks that are:
free of charge
free of #data harvesting
and free of advertisements.
Want to know where you can connect in your country or abroad?
Learn more here: https://europa.eu/!Jd68wh
#DYK #wifi4eu #europe #data #DigitalEU #EU
On a reçu un mail de #WIFI4EU pour nous encourager à rejoindre le programme et aller rafler les x fois 15000 ⏠de s⊠https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1507007828334039057
#WiFi4EU le diable se cache dans les détails.
#WiFi4EU le diable se cache dans les détails.
Community Networks across Europe are finding the #WIFI4EU initiative (subsidising free WiFi hotspots) disgusting, plagued by corporate capture and collection of personal data. Latest example with @scani89@twitter.com (in French): https://blog.scani.fr/index.php/2019/03/31/wifi4eu-ce-sera-sans-nous/ @netCommonsEU@twitter.com @ISOC_CNSIG@twitter.com #telecommons
#WIFI4EU on n'ira pas, et on vous explique pourquoi : https://blog.scani.fr/index.php/2019/03/31/wifi4eu-ce-sera-sans-nous/
Same player, play again #WIFI4EU https://twitter.com/Maires_Ruraux/status/1035440599590215681
Same player, play again #WIFI4EU https://twitter.com/Maires_Ruraux/status/1035440599590215681
Faire un machin pour subventionner un faux #WiFiGratuit #WiFi4EU . Avec geoloc, récupération des adresses mails, et⊠https://twitter.com/i/web/status/980905995902816259
Faire un machin pour subventionner un faux #WiFiGratuit #WiFi4EU . Avec geoloc, récupération des adresses mails, et⊠https://twitter.com/i/web/status/980905995902816259
#WiFi4EU : feu vert dĂ©finitif pour les points dâaccĂšs Wi-Fi gratuits en Europe https://www.nextinpact.com/news/105388-wifi4eufeu-vert-definitif-pour-lespoints-dacces-wi-fi-gratuits-en-europe.htm [abonnĂ©*s]
Lettre ouverte aux institutions européennes : #WIFI4EU doit promouvoir la diversité, le local et les droits humains⊠https://twitter.com/i/web/status/866672568950038528
#WIFI4EU must promote diversity, locality and Human rights. EU must promote diversity in the telecom sector and resist the commodification of publicly-funded networks. https://www.laquadrature.net/en/wifi4eu-diversity-human-rights #OpenWifi
Letter to EU Institutions: #WIFI4EU must promote diversity, locality and Human rights https://www.laquadrature.net/en/wifi4eu-diversity-human-rights⊠https://twitter.com/i/web/status/866583256841539584
Letter to EU Institutions: #WIFI4EU must promote diversity, locality and Human rights https://www.laquadrature.net/en/wifi4eu-diversity-human-rights https://mamot.fr/media/eqQSHF29H_TcJ3x6rnI