That Gamer · @ThatGamer
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Things I've learned this week by following @OutofPrintArchive:

1. Your Wii U can be bricked by long periods of disuse. Leaving your console powered off can cause its NAND flash storage to become corrupted.

2. The e-shop for the Wii U and 3DS will shut down this month.

None of this is good news, of course. It's bad news, but bad news worth knowing.

#nintendo #wiiu #wiiubricked #eshop

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm not sure how true this is. I've got two myself. One is my modded US 32GB model, and the other is my brother-in-law's non-modded JP 32GB model that he gave me.

I'd love to test and see how they compare since I haven't powered on either in over a year. The article seems to suggest a modded is safe. Does anyone know if this is the case?

While the JP one is really just a backup/spare parts system, I'd like to preserve it in case my US one goes down. I wasn't looking to mod it since it's a spare, but unless there is a way to back it up other than modding it, I might just have to do it.

The unfortunate thing is that the JP one is in the basement, and I still can't lift anything too heavy since I recently had a / a little over 2 weeks ago. I'll have to dig it out as soon as I can to check it out.

#wiiu #cervicalfusion #neckfusion #surgery #nintendo #wiiubricked #wiiumemoryerror #gaming #videogames #gamepreservation #videogamepreservation

Last updated 2 years ago