Et, perso...
Je me bats moi-même souvent pour l'utilisation de mes propres photos déposées sur le #WikiCommons par des gens, des médias, qui s'en f... royalement des licences #CreativeCommons...
CF. photo "Unidivers" et "Rennes autrement", et même du Figaro une fois !
Par ex... Pour l'article "Rennes" de Wikipedia, c'est bien ma photo dans l'infobox... Du taf gratos, pour nous tous !
Get trained to give workshops about #OpenRefine for #WikiCommons with our train-the-trainers program! Applications are due Sept 15. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:OpenRefine/Train-the-trainer_program_2023-24 #openGLAM #Wikimedia
#openrefine #wikicommons #openglam #wikimedia
Searching for images on Wikimedia Commons has not been easy. The text-based search we use on Wikipedia is very good at finding relevant documents in a corpus of text, but not so good at finding relevant images in a collection of sparsely labeled media files. Here's a blog post on our innovative approach to refining search capabilities for a more remarkable image-finding experience: https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/08/04/improving-image-search-on-wikimedia-commons/
#wikimedia #wikipedia #wikicommons #wikimediacommons
Un nouvel outil (GDrive to Commons Uploader) pour publier des fichiers sur la médiathèque #WikiCommons qui approche des 100 millions de fichiers. https://gdrive-to-commons.toolforge.org #GoogleDrive
A #Rennes...
Le magnifique manège de la Place Sainte-Anne !
La photo en haute-définition sur le #WikiCommons ici :
Enjoy! 😉
#rennes #wikicommons #bretagne
26 - Entrepocène
Entre pots lyonnais, une mise en scène captée par Benoît Prieur.
New tool: #WikiCommons images near @wikidata items without image
(has example link for UK red phone booths)
CC @samwilson
Reminder that the Aotearoa New Zealand virtual Wiki meetup is happening tomorrow Sunday 25th of June at Noon (NZ time). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Aotearoa_New_Zealand_Online/38 for the link and the agenda. #Wikipedia #Wikidata #Wikicommons #Wikisource #NewZealand #Aotearoa
#wikipedia #wikidata #wikicommons #wikisource #newzealand #aotearoa
#WikiCommons image of "Midwinter Stonehenge 2011", Wiltshire UK. Photo by Ethan Doyle White, on 21 Dec 2011.
🔗 https://commons.Wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Midwinter_Stonehenge_2011.JPG
#Monoliths #Stonehenge #Solstice
#wikicommons #monoliths #stonehenge #solstice
Recently uploaded some information boards to #WikiCommons from my past hikes and started connecting them to nodes in #OpenStreetMap.
Here is the 1st out of 7 uploads:
Looking for pointers from #WikiData community on how to better the data quality, especially concerning information boards. Since that will be my project at least for the other uploads as well.
#wikicommons #OpenStreetMap #wikidata
Sie träumten heute Nacht vielleicht von einer Reise in den südamerikanischen Regenwald?
Kein Zufall - wir haben gerade ein weiteres 100 Gbit/s private peering zu einem Hyperscaler eingerichtet ;-)
#CloudServices #HybridCloud
(Bild: #WikiCommons)
#cloudservices #hybridcloud #wikicommons
@wikipedia @magnusmanske Another tool that I find myself using to find location metadata for photos uploaded via ShootMe! is: https://tools.freeside.sk/geolocator/geolocator.html #wikicommons
2e mesure : continuer à documenter les #manifs et messages contre la réforme des #retraites à Lyon sur #Wikicommons, pour témoigner aussi de leur joie, leur inventivité et leur énergie. Je n'ai jamais autant dansé et chanté en manif, merci aux fanfares et DJ 😘
#manifs #retraites #wikicommons
The Biodiversity Heritage Library has released a draft white paper titled Unifying Biodiversity Knowledge to Support Life on a Sustainable Planet. The paper outlines strategies & programmes of work for BHL to engage with #Wikipedia, #Wikidata, #Wikicommons & #Wikisource. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uqQ8VJ5vESEY-1Ex3OomYeg7jxF3HDWwOURtZRDlPkE/edit?usp=sharing #BHL #Biodiversity #Data
#wikipedia #wikidata #wikicommons #wikisource #BHL #biodiversity #data
I happened across this photo on Wikicommons it’s titled "Cuban TV host Mauricio Lomonte with a beard and chest hair". Feels like dreamy should be in there somewhere. #wikicommons #men #toplessmen #shirtlessmen
#wikicommons #men #toplessmen #shirtlessmen
Je viens de mettre une nouvelle photo de la Place du Champ Jacquet de #Rennes sur le #WikiCommons ! 😉
Enjoy ! 😎
#Histoire #Bretagne #Patrimoine #Breizh
#rennes #wikicommons #histoire #bretagne #patrimoine #breizh
vanaf 24 april bij de npo de docu drieluik 'Staken op leven dood'
Herdenk jij de melkstaking/meistaking/april-meistakingen ook? Maak dan foto's! Dit lustrumjaar worden er zoveel bijzondere evenementen gepland, deze vastleggen (en vrijgeven!) voor de toekomst lijkt mij onontbeerlijk. Kijk hier hoe: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikiproject/Herdenking_April-meistakingen of stel mij gerust je vragen. #herdenking #wikipedia #wikicommons #melkstaking #meistaking
#herdenking #wikipedia #wikicommons #melkstaking #meistaking
Le projet #GLAM #Nancy vous invite à un week-end de contribution #Wikipédia #WikiCommons #WikiData les 18 et 19 mars de 10 h à 18 h à la #bibliothèque Stanislas sur les graveurs lorrains.
Venez enrichir les pages consacrées à Callot, Silvestre, Leclerc mais aussi les graveurs contemporains
Page du projet :
Inscriptions :
#lorraine #gravure #bibliotheque #wikidata #wikicommons #wikipedia #nancy #glam
I do enjoy the works of Johannes Gehrts who illustrated an 1888 book called Walhall. Gods and heroes. Like this picture of Atli (Attila) a character from the Völsung Cycle.
On the other hand, I do not like his tendency to put horns and wings on helmets. I've actually removed them when I've used his works.
I just uploaded all the pictures from Walhall to #WikiCommons. Some were already there but not in great quality.
#wikicommons #norsemyths #publicdomain
I've been looking at the impressions of my #WikiCommons photo contributions on #Wikipedia and other platforms. It gives you a nice glow to realise that they are being used and seen.