Image du jour de Wikimedia Commons pour le 12 septembre :
Breil-Brigels Outflow of river Flem in Lag da Breil.
License : CC BY-SA 4.0
Artiste : Dominicus Johannes Bergsma
Crédits : Own work
Image du jour de Wikimedia Commons pour le 9 septembre :
Un jeune ara chloroptère (Ara chloropterus) photographié près du Rio Negro au Brésil.
License : CC BY-SA 4.0
Artiste : J. R. R. Tolkien
Crédits : Lord of the rings
Oh, and also add Steve Harwell, lead singer of Smash Mouth who was posted to "Recent deaths" but was pulled off later on. #WikipediaITN #wikipedia #wikimedia
#wikipediaitn #wikipedia #wikimedia
Other famous folks who never made it to the front page of #WikipediaITN "Recent deaths" section, despite being very famous: Alan Thicke, Merle Haggard, Norm MacDonald. They all have the unusual quality of being famous but not famous enough to have a fleet of fans to reference their filmography/discography fully. #Wikipedia #Wikimedia
#wikipediaitn #wikipedia #wikimedia
Why isn't Jimmy Buffett listed on the front page of #Wikipedia in "Recent deaths" while much less famous folks are? The answer may surprise you. The Wikipedia front page policy prioritizes quality, not "public interest," which has odd repercussions. TL;DR – perfect is the enemy of good. #Wikimedia #WikipediaITN
#wikipedia #wikimedia #wikipediaitn
Oh, Google. Did you stay out too late last night? #Wikidata #Wikimedia #Wikipedia
#Wikidata #wikimedia #wikipedia
PSA: Am 14./15. Oktober findet in Berlin wieder ein OSM-Hackweekend statt.
Weitere Infos im Wiki:
#OpenStreetMap #wikimedia #fossgis #hackweekend #opendata #verkehrswende #maps #gis
#OpenStreetMap #wikimedia #fossgis #hackweekend #opendata #verkehrswende #maps #gis
Image du jour de Wikimedia Commons pour le 07 septembre :
Il y a 125 ans : menu d'un banquet en l'honneur de l'empereur allemand Guillaume II et de son épouse Augusta-Victoria organisé le 7 septembre 1898 à l'hôtel Kaiserhof (Porta Westfalica).
License : Public domain
Artiste : Restored and uploaded by Palauenc05
Crédits : Private archive
Photo of Hornet Mimic Hoverfly on Hemp Agrimony by Frank Vassen, France 2017
I love Hemp Agrimony, hoverflies, the #CreativeCommons, #OpenSource, #Wikimedia
#wikimedia #opensource #CreativeCommons
Having free, encrypted #DNS provided by #Wikimedia would be groundbreaking. I can't wait to see this move forward!
(As the page explains, this doesn't solve all internet censorship issues, but is a pretty big step forward and lays the groundwork for more improvements like ECH)
Image du jour de Wikimedia Commons pour le 06 septembre :
Un papillon souci (Colias crocea) photographié dans le parc national du Pirin (Bulgarie).
License : CC BY-SA 4.0
Artiste : Charles J. Sharp
Crédits : Own work, from Sharp Photography, sharpphotography
Image du jour de Wikimedia Commons pour le 02 septembre :
Experiment with lens ball and light stick
License : CC BY-SA 4.0
Artiste : Dietmar Rabich
Crédits : Own work
You acquire many acquaintances through #Wikimedia. Impactful people who you respect but ultimately are just ships that pass in the night, and speak to each other in passing.
Nosebagbear was one of those that I genuinely considered a friend. We spoke weekly, sometimes daily. Sure we debated about the grandiose machinations of the Wikimedia politic. But we also spoke about the mundane. He'd recently got a new flat, a new job. Our community will miss his impact. I will miss him, and the mundane.
So to tie this into Work Posting™, #Wikimedia uses Gerrit primarily (though is switching to GitLab), with some things hosted on GitHub too..!
Get trained to give workshops about #OpenRefine for #WikiCommons with our train-the-trainers program! Applications are due Sept 15. #openGLAM #Wikimedia
#openrefine #wikicommons #openglam #wikimedia
Image du jour de Wikimedia Commons pour le 01 septembre :
Vue panoramique de la ville de Cuzco au Pérou. Située à 3 400 m dans la cordillère des Andes, cette cité fut la capitale historique de l'empire inca du XIIIe au XVIe siècle.
License : CC BY-SA 4.0
Artiste : Diego Delso
Crédits : Own work
Image du jour de Wikimedia Commons pour le 31 août :
Une femelle de l'espèce tangara à galons blancs (Tachyphonus rufus) photographiée sur l'île de la Trinité (Trinité-et-Tobago).
License : CC BY-SA 4.0
Artiste : Charles J. Sharp
Crédits : Own work, from Sharp Photography,
Wikipedia-Link zu lang? So schnell kürzst Du URLs (Links) zu #Wikipedia und zu anderen @wikimediaDE-Projekten:
👉 statt 👉ürzung
#urlshortener #URLshorteners #URLShortening #wikimedia
#wikimedia #URLShortening #URLshorteners #urlshortener #wikipedia
Image du jour de Wikimedia Commons pour le 30 août :
Le centre galactique visible au-dessus du rocher de Pedra Azul (Pierre Bleue), situé près de Domingos Martins (Brésil).
License : CC BY-SA 4.0
Artiste : EduardoMSNeves
Crédits : Own work
We are collaborating with #Wikimedia Foundation on the Wikisource Loves Manuscripts project, with a special twist! :apartyblobcat: The transcribed Indonesian manuscripts will be used to train a #Transkribus #HTR model! @BL_DigiSchol Read more here: