Inspired by Sani Leino I created slides with #slidesgpt about average #Wikipedians and the way they contribute
Quite an interesting tool indeed that is useful for people who know enough about the topic to notice the possible problems in the content.
I guess it's taking most of the content from Wikipedia. Using #Wikipedia content for e.g. commercial purposes is allowed as long as you've told the source. Currently it is not happening while it would be pretty easy to add.
#slidesgpt #wikipedians #Wikipedia
#Wikimedia denies claims the Saudi government infiltrated its team in the Middle East.
The obvious question though then is – who were these confidently identified "external parties"?
Also, I have seen no comment to date from Wikimedia on the two #Wikipedians serving long jail sentences in Saudi Arabia. #Wikipedia
#wikimedia #wikipedians #wikipedia
Got the graphic of vandalism on @Wikipedia article about @asmashirazi from @drfarasat. Fixed the description and it’s holding. For now. The article on @NadeemfParacha is also often a target. The one on @theRealYLH has been hounded to deletion
Then found the same on the article on @HamidMirPAK.
Fellow #Wikipedians and media workers help find more instances of vandalism on articles about other Pakistani journalists?
cc:@depthsofwiki @wikistrategies
#brownmastodon #desidon #mastidontips #mastodon
#wikipedians #brownmastodon #desidon #mastidontips #mastodon
"#Wikipedians are right to engage in vigorous discussion about how donations are solicited from visitors and to oversee how those funds are actually spent.
For me, there’s also the small matter of the external environment.
In recent years, Wikipedia has been attacked by authoritarian regimes and powerful billionaires—people who do not necessarily benefit from the free flow of neutral information. If $3 helps hold them off, then that’s coffee money well spent."
Hello #wikipedians! Do you follow the most read content of your project?
Luetuimmat#wikipediafi-artikkelit 26/11
Tonya Harding
⚽ MM
Mikko Alatalo
Lionel Messi
Nancy Kerrigan
⚽ MM 22
Irene Cara
Cristiano Ronaldo
Timo Kivinen
Kylian Mbappé
Miiko Toiviainen
Diego Maradona
Hervé Renard
Ronja Alatalo
Pietu Wikström
Christian Eriksen
We're a group of #Wikipedians and self-described #openaccess nerds working to give more people the confidence to join the movement.
#Highered instructors use our free tools to have students edit Wikipedia as an assignment. Scholars take our #Wikidata & #Wikipedia courses to start their own projects and commune with fellow knowledge enthusiasts. And thousands take part in editing events through the Programs & Events Dashboard we help maintain.
We're happy to be here with you all!
#introduction #wikipedians #openaccess #highered #Wikidata #wikipedia
El pasado sábado tuve el placer de participar en este evento. Espero poder seguir acudiendo a otras. #laaab #wikiesfera #comunidadAspasia #Wikipedia #Wikipedians #wikimedia @PatriHorrillo #cienciaciudadana
#laaab #wikiesfera #comunidadaspasia #wikipedia #wikipedians #wikimedia #cienciaciudadana