#algorithm #アルゴリズム #youtube #洗脳 #保守 #極右 #hanada #wil #antifa #blacklivesmatter
#Russia - #Influenza A #H5N1 viruses of high pathogenicity (Inf. with) (#wil birds) (2017-) - Immediate notification, https://wahis.woah.org/#/in-review/5071
Der #1mai war hier in #wil im Kanton #stgallen ein ganz normaler #tagderarbeit . Ein paar Meter weiter im Kanton #thurgau war #feiertag . #schweiz #foederalismus #kantoenligeist
#kantoenligeist #foederalismus #schweiz #feiertag #thurgau #tagderarbeit #stgallen #wil #1mai
A systematic review of Australian higher education students’ and graduates’ work readiness, Poppy Orr, Loch Forsyth, Catherine Caballero, Caroline Rosenberg & Arlene Walker, https://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2023.2192465 #HigherEd #WorkReadiness #WorkIntegratedLearning #WIL #Employability #Graduates #Employers
#highered #workreadiness #workintegratedlearning #wil #employability #graduates #employers
Ik ben niet alleen #bang voor, dat ik iets niet zal #begrijpen, maar ik ben #zelfs #overtuige over.
Het ziet volgend uit.
Ik #wil in #Nederlandstaal naar iets #luisteren, maar ik denk dadelijk, dat ik het niet zal #begrijpen, en dan #woord het #natuurlijk.
En ik denk nu na over, dat ik misschien met manier zou kunnen beginnen denken:
"Ik zal misschien #tenminste iets #begrijpen."
#tenminste #natuurlijk #woord #luisteren #nederlandstaal #wil #overtuige #zelfs #begrijpen #bang
Do We Need to Sacrifice Our 1.5 °C Goal to End Poverty?
#World #Environment #ClimateChange #EmissionGap #Billionaires #OECD #SustainableDevelopment #WorldInequalityLab #WIL #CIRAD #IDDRI #IPCC #COP27 #Poverty
#world #environment #climatechange #emissiongap #billionaires #oecd #sustainabledevelopment #worldinequalitylab #wil #cirad #iddri #ipcc #Cop27 #poverty
Part of my job is finding new strategies and approaches for WIL in a distance setting. New text with colleagues today: https://www.wilreflections.hv.se/2023/02/03/alternatives-to-supervised-placements-work-integrated-education-in-action/ #wil #workintegratedlearning
📷 #fotomontag Für #Tolkien Freund:innen: Haus der #Hobbit in #Wil gefunden.
#Fotomontag #tolkien #hobbit #wil
Als er een #wil is dan kan alles heel snel worden geregeld...
Als er een #wil is dan kan alles heel snel worden geregeld...
My holiday sale has begun!
All of my books are .99c on the 'zon in the US and UK markets!
I'd love it if you could share this post. The more who see it, the better! 🥰
Link: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Azalea-Forrest/author/B079NPS64H
#WritingCommunity #Bookstodon #DarkFantasy #UrbanFantasy #NewAdult #FantasyBooks #IndieAuthors #AuthorLife #ReadingCommunity #BookSale #WitchInTheLighthouse #WIL #TheUnderground #ABitterDrink #ABD #Ghibli #PastoralFantasy
#writingcommunity #bookstodon #darkfantasy #urbanfantasy #newadult #fantasybooks #indieauthors #authorlife #readingcommunity #booksale #witchinthelighthouse #wil #theunderground #abitterdrink #ABD #ghibli #pastoralfantasy
#WitchInTheLighthouse is a gentle foray into the consequences of unchecked grief. Described as a #PastoralFantasy, get whisked away in this #Ghibliesque tale!
Link: https://amazon.com/Witch-Lighthouse-Azalea-Forrest-ebook/dp/B079ZCM84V/
#Ghibli #AuthorsOfTwitter #IndieAuthor #ReadingCommunity #Witch #Magic #WIL
#witchinthelighthouse #pastoralfantasy #ghibliesque #ghibli #authorsoftwitter #indieauthor #readingcommunity #witch #magic #wil
Today's #AcWriMo productivity was all about being a good co-author by reviewing and editing 😀
☑️ Presenting on recent #OccupationalTherapy graduates' views of #WorkReadiness skills and #rural placement
☑️ Writing on meeting diverse learning needs in #SIM and #OnlineTeaching
Teamwork for the win, and what goes around comes around
#acwrimo #occupationaltherapy #workreadiness #rural #sim #OnlineTeaching #workintegratedlearning #wil #practiceeducation
#Academic loving #Research in #HealthProfessionsEducation
#Simulation #SIM & #WorkIntegratedLearning #WIL #Placements in #OccupationalTherapy & #AlliedHealth #weAHP
Projects on SIM #EducationalDesign, #SimulatedPatients, #StudentAssessment, #FeedbackLiteracy, #ClinicalReasoning + more. #Rasch and #Assessment nerd. Growing partnerships for #FirstNations #Indigenous SIM and #CulturalResponsiveness.
#Learner #Disabled #ChronicIllness
Struggles against #academia
#introduction #academic #research #healthprofessionseducation #simulation #sim #workintegratedlearning #wil #Placements #occupationaltherapy #alliedhealth #educationaldesign #simulatedpatients #studentassessment #feedbackliteracy #clinicalreasoning #rasch #firstnations #indigenous #learner #disabled #chronicillness #academia #weahp #assessment #culturalresponsiveness
😬 Artist: #Stenandoli - in City: #Wil #Zürcher Str 30., Cafe Living Museum, Switzerland 🇨🇭- #art #streetart #mastoart #mural
#Mural #MastoArt #streetart #art #zurcher #wil #stenandoli
RT @informatikradar
Wenn es um Vorbilder im Bereich Technologie geht, können nur 11% der Schüler*innen Frauen nennen - Angela Merkel ist die einzig lebende Frau. 🙋
⛔ Das kann so nicht bleiben: Das Projekt "Werde Informatiklehrerin" startet morgen und begegnet diesem Phänomen. #WIL #staytuned #twlz