We also have the #WilberforceProject which is likely foreign funded. They deny this but will not prove it, as if we expect them to behave in good faith.
When the ends justify the means, it's okay to lie and cheat, right #Christians?
#wilberforceproject #christians #canada #cdnpoli #prochoice
I'm sure #Carpay et al will swear they're not foreign funded and will offer zero proof. Just like christo-fascist anti-choice ghouls #WilberforceProject.
It's like they actually expect us to believe they act in good faith (GUFFAW).
#Canada #jccf #Alberta #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #JusticeCentreForConstitutionalFreedom #JccfLyingLawyers
#carpay #wilberforceproject #canada #jccf #alberta #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #justicecentreforconstitutionalfreedom #jccflyinglawyers
What I find interesting is the way religious anti-choice groups, who profess to want to reduce abortions, never advocate for the two proven best methods to reduce abortions.
Their agenda is just to ram their "morality" down everyone else's throats.
Why is that #wilberforceProject?
#Alberta #Canada #AntiChoiceLiars #cdnpoli #ableg #abpoli #IfYouAintAsleepYoureWOKE
#wilberforceproject #alberta #canada #antichoiceliars #cdnpoli #ableg #abpoli #ifyouaintasleepyourewoke
Here's an example of what #Alberta anti-choice groups, like the #ProLifeParty (not a party) and #WilberforceProject, want for Albertans:
#alberta #prolifeparty #wilberforceproject #ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli
@Chris_MS Shadey anti-choice groups, like this and #WilberforceProject, must operate at the edges of legality because they know their message is a loser and they must resort to lying to keep the money flowing.
They are just psuedo-religious money grubbers.
If any group preally cared about reducing abortions, they would advocate for effective sex education and easy access to contraceptives.
#wilberforceproject #abpoli #ableg #alberta
I wonder if foreign funded, anti choice groups in #Alberta, like the #WilberforceProject, will support the #NDP call for free birth control, since this is one of the most effective methods to reduce abortions.
#alberta #wilberforceproject #ndp #ableg #abpoli #canpoli