Overall, I feel like I have a fun-hate relationship with the second game in the franchise. I had fun with the game mechanics but hated every second of reading the dialogue (and that's saying something considering I LOVE reading and JRPGs). If I were to replay this franchise again, I'd probably not play Wild ARMs 2 again.
Anyways, that's just my two (and a half, lol) cents on #WildARMs2.
#wildarms2 #videogames #vianplays
Okay, thoughts on #WildARMs2 after finishing it off of the #PlaystationPlus Classics Collection (A thread):
- The game's mechanics (battles, exploration, puzzles) are fun and are a great upgrade from the previous title.
#wildarms2 #playstationplus #videogames #vianplays
Finally finished and 100% the game (all sealed monsters, sidequests, monster album, equipment) and got the platinum trophy for #WildArms2.
I got a couple of thoughts on it and will be sharing it tomorrow (or later since it's already 12:45AM here and I am tiiiiired).
#wildarms2 #videogames #vianplays
Just finished Disk 1 of #WildArms2.
I, honestly, do not feel the story of this game. It feels like it's trying to be complicated with its dialogue when the plot is just simple. It's annoying to say the least.
And the characters? Though they have much more personality, I couldn't really find myself caring about them or their predicament much...as opposed to the first game, which is weird...
#wildarms2 #videogames #vianplays
I was hoping to finish this before my short vacation ended but I only managed to get to the point where you need to break the 4 pillars (I did 3/4). It will, at this point since I am returning to my other responsibilities, probably take me a few more days to beat and platinum this game.
#wildarms2 #videogames #vianplays
Next up, 100% and Platinum #WildArms2 on the #playstation5. Lezzgo!!
#wildarms2 #playstation5 #videogames #vianplays
Neben #LegendofDragoon gab es heute noch einen weiteren Release, den man nicht übersehen sollte! Es ist, mit dem Release von #WildArms2 im #PlayStation Store, das erste Mal Wild Arms 2 offiziell in Deutschland erschienen! 🤩
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#legendofdragoon #wildarms2 #playstation #playstation4 #playstation5 #playstationplusklassikerkatalog #playstationplusclassicgamescatalog #playstationklassiker #playstationclassics