The family and I, along with some friends, walked up to in , after church. Sadly they've stopped serving brunch, but today they opened at 11 for lunch. I got myself the Spontaneous Deviations # 4 - Dry Irish Stout, which was great. The family enjoyed Mango Peach . We ordered the taco fries and Old Bay boneless wings, which were absolutely phenomenal. @beersofmastodon

#nepenthebrewing #Baltimore #maryland #wildbaykombucha #baltimorebeer #marylandbeer #itsalwaysstoutseason

Last updated 2 years ago

The last brewery we hit on Sunday was in , . We did not have a lot of time, so I grabbed two half pours. Started with the Good Morning Mobtown, an imperial breakfast stout brewed with coffee, cacao nibs, and maple. I really enjoyed this one. The last was Punch Like a Poet, a dry Irish stout. My wife had a mango peach . @beersofmastodon

#mobtownbrewing #Baltimore #maryland #blackacresroastery #wildbaykombucha #mdbeer #marylandbeer

Last updated 2 years ago