I was gifted #Adavi wild forest #honey from India from the Soliga Tribe. It is made by the wild Indian Rock bee, Apis dorsata. Label reads: Soligara Samskara Sangha #ForestHoney #WildBees
#adavi #honey #foresthoney #wildbees
I made 4 more in my series of related prints about leafcutter bees, each unique. Similar to the print in the pollinator garden, but the prints in my shop are on lovely Japanese washi paper & feature different plants. These prints are both about, & a sort of collaboration with leaf cutter bees! These small, but multifarious native bees are important …
#printmaking #linocut #leafPrint #reliefPrint #sciart #bees #leafcutterBee #Megachile #washi #wildBees #nativeBees #botanicalArt #MastoArt
#printmaking #linocut #leafprint #reliefprint #sciart #bees #leafcutterbee #megachile #washi #wildbees #nativebees #botanicalart #mastoart
A little community #sciArt #scicomm - I made a version of my leafcutter bees print with two #linocut wild bees (Megachile relativa and Megachile brevis) and leaf prints for the Coxwell Pollinator Gardens! These prints are both about, and a sort of collaboration with leafcutter bees! These small, but multifarious native bees are important pollinators,
#printmaking #ecology #bees #wildBees #nativeBees #entomology #Toronto #pollinators #scienceOutreach #MastoArt #pollinatorPartnership
#sciart #scicomm #linocut #printmaking #ecology #bees #wildbees #nativebees #entomology #toronto #pollinators #scienceoutreach #mastoart #pollinatorpartnership
Links to two YouTube videos of wild #bees being #WildBees in & on the squash flowers in the raised garden beds this morning. #Insects #Hymenoptera #BeesOfMastodon #beestodon ~
https://youtube.com/watch?v=0ZTaHw8au8s&feature=shareb |||
#beestodon #beesofmastodon #Hymenoptera #Insects #wildbees #bees
Osmia aurulenta Canon 7D EFS 60 2.8 f/5.6 1/320 iso: 100 4/22/2020 Prague, Czech Republic #Bees #Andrena #pollinators #Wildbees #Hymenoptera #Apidae #insects #Invertebrates #Macro
#bees #andrena #pollinators #wildbees #hymenoptera #apidae #insects #invertebrates #macro
Czart smolisty (Anthrax anthrax) piękny czarno-aksamitny pasożyt pszczół samotnych. Promuję rozpowszechnianie polskiej nazwy dla tej muchówki.
#popolsku #wildbees #pszczeleparazyty #parasites #insects
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-06-global-analysis-pollinators-cities-wild.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-06-global-analysis-pollinators-cities-wild.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1671790127201374208#m
Global analysis on #pollinators in cities: #Wildbees and butterflies are at particular risk https://phys.org/news/2023-06-global-analysis-pollinators-cities-wild.html
‘Bear in mind that honey bee keeping is a lovely and informative hobby, but it is not a contribution to nature conservation. The western honey bee, to the extent that it is kept in hives, … despite media reports to the contrary, is not under threat. A hive of 40,000 bees will deplete floral resources that could otherwise feed 40,000 wild solitary pollinators, many of which are at risk of extinction. (This is not even taking into account the fact that honey bees harvest more nectar and pollen than most other species of bees because of their habit of storing large quantities of food.) So… moderation is important…
However, the efforts of celebrities to "help pollinators" by setting up large numbers of honey bee colonies on their estates, or of many cities to encourage the placement of hundreds of hives on buildings' roofs, while well intentioned, are detrimental to many native pollinators.’
Lars Chittka, The Mind of a Bee
#bees #honeybees #wildbees #solitarybees #Pollinators
#Weltbienentag2023 - Alle, die einen Garten oder Balkon haben, können was für #Wildbienen tun.
#WorldBeeDay2023 - Everyone with garden or balcony can do something for #wildbees
#wildbees #worldbeeday2023 #wildbienen #weltbienentag2023
Ganz schön was los vor #WildBienenHausen
Es sind etliche schlanke Mauerbienen unterwegs, die ein völlig anderes Flugverhalten als die eher gemächlichen "Alteingeborenen" zeigen. Sie sind viel nervöser, machen keine Pausen und ich hab noch keine scharf genug für eine Bestimmung fotographieren können.
#Köln #WildBienen #NistHilfen #wildbees
#wildbienenhausen #koln #wildbienen #nisthilfen #wildbees
New bee from USA just buzzed in:
Ptilothrix chiricahua
Holotype: Cornell University Insect Collection
Treatment: http://treatment.plazi.org/id/96871ED3-1B4A-48BD-8714-00BC4B91D5B9
Publication: http://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.95.96025
#science #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #insects #entomology #bees #wildbees #usa
#NewSpecies #hymenopterajournal #fairdata #science #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #insects #entomology #bees #wildbees #usa
Manchmal muss ich nur die Hand in die Luft halten und eine Biene landet, putzt sich kurz, erleichtert sich und geniesst die Fußbodenheizung ...
Mensch soll schliesslich aus #Mauerbienensicht für irgendetwas nützlich sein.
#bees #beesofcologne #beesofthebalcony #wildbees #solitarybees
#mauerbienensicht #bees #beesofcologne #beesofthebalcony #wildbees #SolitaryBees
Viel los in der Wildbienensiedlung auf unserem Ostbalkon im 4. OG. in Köln-Merheim auf der schääl Sick.
Okay, es war über 13°C und die Männchen werden langsam ungeduldig.
Ich habe heute auch schon zwei weibliche #Bienen gesehen.
Jetzt hoffe ich darauf, dass es nicht mehr zu frostig wird.
#bees #wildbees #MauerBienen #Koeln #Cologne #heavvy #traffic #BienenHausen #Balkonien
#bienen #bees #wildbees #mauerbienen #koeln #cologne #heavvy #traffic #bienenhausen #balkonien
#Koeln #Balkonien #Wildbienen #Mauerbienen #Wildbees
09:45 Uhr, kein Wind, aufgelockerte Bewölkung, in der Sonne 14,5°C, die Bienenmännchen drehen durch.
#koeln #balkonien #wildbienen #mauerbienen #wildbees
#WildBienen #BalkonBienen #MauerBienen #Frühbestäuberinnen #Balkonien #Balkon #balcony #bees #wildbees
Die bekloppten Männchen verlassen schon langsam ihre Brutröhren. Das nasskalte Wetter wird vielen von ihnen zum Verhängnis werden.
#wildbienen #balkonbienen #mauerbienen #fruhbestauberinnen #balkonien #balkon #balcony #bees #wildbees
New bee from Arizona just buzzed in:
Lasioglossum indagator
Holotype: California Academy of Sciences
Treatment: http://treatment.plazi.org/id/03EE9E71-1150-FFF8-FDFA-FECB9EA7AF41
Publication: http://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2023.858.2041
#science #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #insects #entomology #bees #wildbees #arizona #usa
#NewSpecies #ejtaxonomy #fairdata #science #biology #taxonomy #ecology #biodiversity #nature #wildlife #conservation #animals #insects #entomology #bees #wildbees #Arizona #usa
Turn your treebed into a green oasis for #wildbees #butterflies #bees #insects
🐞 🦋 🐝
#stonebreak #guerillagardening #native #biological #pollinators
#pollinators #biological #native #guerillagardening #stonebreak #insects #bees #butterflies #wildbees
Did you know, of the nearly 600 wild bee species in Germany, 75 percent nest in the soil? Researchers at our Uni investigated what encourages ground-nesting #WildBees. It turns out they prefer areas of bare ground: http://ogy.de/wxaf, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02289 Photo: H Gardein
#wildbees #unigottingen #gottingen
Did you know, of the nearly 600 wild bee species in Germany, 75 percent nest in the soil? Researchers at our Uni investigated what encourages ground-nesting #WildBees. It turns out they prefer areas of bare ground: http://ogy.de/wxaf, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02289 Photo: H Gardein
#wildbees #unigottingen #gottingen
Did you know, of the nearly 600 wild bee species in Germany, 75 percent nest in the soil? Researchers at our Uni investigated what encourages ground-nesting #WildBees. It turns out they prefer areas of bare ground: http://ogy.de/wxaf, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2022.e02289 Photo: H Gardein
#wildbees #unigottingen #gottingen