Garden Update: The ways in my landlady's orchard were mowed twice in the meantime, but the meadow everywhere else grows higher and higher and looks very beautiful with the buttercups right now. Not to mention the insects buzzing around. Little paradise.
#NoMowMay #NoMowJune #Gardening #Biodiversity #Insects #Wildernesses
#NoMowMay #nomowjune #gardening #biodiversity #insects #wildernesses
Took a hike with the San Diego chapter of California Native Plant Society to Santa Rosa Plateau preserve in Riverside County, California. Many wildflowers blooming in the grasslands and oak forests. It's a beautiful place to visit. Home to a few large vernal pools, probably the rarest ecotype in California or maybe the world. Lots of Mariposa lilies in bloom. One of those increasingly rare places showing how California was, before the European invasion. A living ecosystem, not a museum. Once threatened by the red tiled roof jungle of suburbia, but saved by forward thinking people.
#wildernesses #nativeplants #vernalpools #hiking #conservation #california #wildflowers
A path through the #wood up the #mountain. Where does it go? To secret #sacred places where no one else goes. To little #wildernesses and lost little valleys, where rare #plants thrive without the threat of big blind feet. To gentle trickling streams that give this place life. A place to sit and listen to what the mountain has to say. #SilentSunday #Cymru #Wales #Woodland #trees
#trees #woodland #Wales #cymru #silentsunday #plants #wildernesses #sacred #mountain #wood
“we cannot think of #nature as something set aside in #wildernesses, far from human activity. We need to conserve some elements of nature everywhere”
“some #ecosystem services that humans rely on only operate within short geographical limits … All these services are most effective when nature is close to where people live, making it crucial for cities to preserve their nature”
To attain global #climate and #biodiversity goals, we must reclaim nature in our cities #COP15
#COP15 #biodiversity #climate #ecosystem #wildernesses #nature
Five #countries hold 70% of #world's last #wildernesses, map reveals | #Environment | The Guardian
#countries #world #wildernesses #environment #ecology #biology #biodiversity #deforestation