Really enjoyed teaching first aid this weekend! It was a great refresher for me and a reminder that these skills fade very quickly without practice.
As serious as it is to practice these scenarios, it's also a lot of fun and *so* important to be able to do it in an environment that is safe and supportive.
Excellent catch-up with my #TrailMed friends with the bonus of meeting Sam from #Ultra-X
Looking forward to a whole world of fun in the office and out on the hill with these guys over the coming year! 👌🏻 ⛰🏥
#EventMedicine #WildernessMedicine #CPET #Ultrarunning #TrailRunning #SportsMedicine #MediFedi
#medifedi #SportsMedicine #trailrunning #ultrarunning #cpet #wildernessmedicine #eventmedicine #ultra #trailmed