Orchid spotting in Tentsmuir NNR, in Fife, thought it might be a heath spotted orchid, any help with identification appreciated.
#wildflowerID #bloomscrolling #orchids #Scotland
#scotland #orchids #bloomscrolling #wildflowerid
I think we have here
Common Field Speedwell, Veronica persica, though it lacks the smaller white lower lip of that species so #WildFlowerID.
Barren Strawberry, Potentilla sterilis; always early at this location in an ancient holloway.
Lesser Stitchwort, Stellaria graminea, insanely early in my experience hereabouts.
But just nearby, there are some seed heads on a plant I can't ID. I thought one had basal lvs but think it may be a trick. #WildFlowerID #WildFlowerHour #Durham
#durham #wildflowerhour #wildflowerid
I thought these were Willow at first, then I saw the berries! I think they're Wild Privet (Ligustrum vulgare). Seen near the Kingfisher Bridge, #Durham #WildFlowerHour #wildflowerid
#wildflowerid #wildflowerhour #durham
Three similar little flowers. Reasonably ok with
Wild Marjoram - Origanum vulgare. The maybe Black Horehound - Ballota nigra? The last one which I should know, maybe Betony? Let's see what the oracle says. #wildflowerhour #wildflowerID @Sussex_Botany
RT @RogerRob473: A lovely lady orchid (I think - #wildflowerid) seen yesterday at @BBOWT Hartslock nature reserve. #wildflowerhour
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/Baroness_Nichol/status/1521064421380042753