#Wildfly 28 and #Quarkus 3.x are very similar with respect to
the support for #JakartaEE 10 and #MicroProfile 6.
New #blogpost: https://pesche.schlau.ch/2023/06/02/dizygotic-twins-quarkus-3-and-wildfly-28/
#wildfly #quarkus #JakartaEE #MicroProfile #blogpost #techatworldline #java
Want to use gRPC in WildFly? Have a look at the latest blog post at https://www.wildfly.org/news/2023/05/22/grpc-subsystem/. Ron Sigal explains how to set it up and what you can expect from the new gRPC feature pack.
New blog post available "An Introduction To Server Connector for IntelliJ"
Trying to track down a very odd #java #dateparsing issue which only seems to occur under #wildfly with #openjdk17 (but not #openjdk11, or with the same code outside of wildfly)
Dates for 11 months of the year parse just fine, but dates in one specific month always throw an Exception.
Finally caught this in #intellij debugger. Can anyone guess which month had the issue?
#java #dateparsing #wildfly #openjdk17 #openjdk11 #intellij
Done: Migration from JakartaEE 9.1 to JakartaEE 10:
#java #javascript #jakartaee #UML #opensource #softwareengineering #OpenLiberty #wildfly #glassfish #Payara #EJB #CDI #JPA #JSF
#java #javascript #jakartaee #uml #opensource #softwareengineering #openliberty #wildfly #glassfish #payara #ejb #cdi #JPA #jsf
Upgraded my #ThinkPad T480 to #NetBSD 10_BETA, complete with rebuild of all packages... and finding everything working just fine.
An annoying issue with #gradle versions greater than 6.41 appears to have cleared up, and otherwise everything seems to be ticking along nicely. Looking forward to the full release.
In the meantime I have an app source tree to update to #wildfly
26.1.2 and #java 17
#thinkpad #netbsd #gradle #wildfly #java #newversionsforthenewyear
#WildFly 27.0.1 is out now. This is the first update to #RedHat's newly #JakartaEE 10 compliant server. https://www.wildfly.org/news/2022/12/16/WildFly2701-Released/ - Credit to Brian Stansberry #Java #OpenSource
#wildfly #redhat #jakartaee #java #opensource
I migrated my camel integration to #quarkus running with #podman on #fedora Just a little route that lets me integrate some disparate systems for my #homeautomation. I'll miss you #wildfly but it was time. 15 years of #jboss ! This is going to make my life so much easier. #containersarelinux
#quarkus #podman #fedora #homeautomation #wildfly #jboss #containersarelinux
On the #JakartaEE / #JavaEE server front, my preference now tends to be for either #WildFly or #OpenLiberty. #GlassFish may be ok too, but I have actually seen the #Payara folks kind of unselling it a bit. Payara has really moved much more strongly to an #opencore model. I've seen some features pulled from Payara Community Edition in the last couple years (gives me bad vibes). #opensource
#jakartaee #wildfly #openliberty #glassfish #Payara #opencore #opensource #javaee
Where are all my #Java #JavaEE #JakartaEE peeps at? I am looking for you #WildFly and #OpenLiberty developers.
#java #javaee #jakartaee #wildfly #openliberty
#WildFly 27 リリース。
#OpenDolphin も #JakartaEE 10 に対応させないとだね。
#jakartaee #OpenDolphin #wildfly
#WildFly 27 リリース。
#OpenDolphin も #JakartaEE 10 に対応させないとだね。
#jakartaee #OpenDolphin #wildfly
WildFly 27 features #JakartaEE10 support! Learn more about the new release https://www.wildfly.org/news/2022/11/09/WildFly27-Final-Released/ @WildFlyAS@twitter.com #opensource #JakartaEE #wildfly
#wildfly #jakartaee #opensource #JakartaEE10
Introduction to working on/with Jakarta EE Specifications for WildFly users #WildFly #JakartaEE
#JakartaEE10 #Petclinic - Technology Demo App - a JSF and Jakarta EE Version of #Spring Petclinic, and Update from #JavaEE 7 Petclinic - uses now #Wildfly 27.0.0.Final the first #JakartaEE10 Version #Java #Cloud #Enterprise https://github.com/Jakarta-EE-Petclinic/petclinic-jakartaee
#jakartaee10 #Petclinic #spring #javaee #wildfly #java #cloud #enterprise
Be aware that the releases of application servers #Payara 6 and #Wildfly 27 are close. This will be a turning point in Java Enterprise Architecture. Both servers will be based on the latest #Jakarta EE 10 release and #Eclipse Microporfile.
#Payara #wildfly #jakarta #eclipse