First obvious ‘wild gardening’ gain — ragwort supporting dozens of cinnabar moth caterpillars. And sparrows for the first time this summer.
It’s taken ten years from a sterile patch of gravel and concrete with no soil, on wet clay, with just some seeding and thinning, plus removal of some concrete and an experiment in creating soil from solid clay by planting field beans, clover and phacelia. No soil added, only home compost. Finally, it’s over 60% plants.
#gardening #wilding
Planted russian oregano in my yard ten years ago. My yard is now Russian oregano. I don’t know if all oregano spreads this way, but gardeners be warned. It’s a permanent addition. Good thing pollinator insects LOOOOVE it.
#gardener #gardening #oregano #wilding #antiLawn #pollinators #pollinatorgardens
#gardener #gardening #oregano #wilding #antiLawn #pollinators #pollinatorgardens
Toinen vuosi nurmikkoa leikkaamatta ja näinkin "pitkäksi" se keskipihalla sitten kasvaa (2 kuvaa). 😀
Ahomansikkaa on taas enemmän kuin ehtii syödä. Mansikoihin mieltynyt koira oikein laiduntaa noita puskia, mutta silti marjaa piisaa.
Two years without cutting my lawn and this is what happens: not much in the parts where the wear by feet and paw is the greatest. 😀 Under the bushes there's more wild strawberries than anyone in the household is able to consume.
#wilding #luontopiha #natureyard
This is the time of year when a visit to the allotment can send me into a deep depression - the grass is waist high, the crop plants are barely surviving and neighbouring plot holders probably hate me
Then I think: One year I had a leveret in the long grass. This is what rewilding looks like. This is good. Learn to live with Nature
And ... it is still No Mow May 😂
#allotment #gardening #wilding #rewilding #NoSprays #organic #NoMowMay
#NoMowMay #organic #nosprays #rewilding #wilding #gardening #Allotment
The teens (15 & 16) are accused of robbing more than 10 people, some at gunpoint, in just five hours. Several of the cases happened just minutes apart.
(I can’t wait until summer! These kids are going to go wilding!)
#wilding #crimespree #ghetto #crime #washingtondc
Interesting to see silver birch (Betula pendula) saplings have sprung up in one of our fields. Put up a temp fence to stop sheep from eating them. #wilding #rewilding
#Chicago: gangs of teenagers giving some random white woman a beat down! #loop #downtown
Source: Reddit (djblanka117)
Must be #liberal who didn’t cross the street two blocks away! Oh well. Enjoy your dinner through a straw!
#RacialBias #thugs #wilding #liberal #downtown #loop #chicago
3811 AR: First "Wilding" (#Wilewood, River Kingdoms)*
The resident fey of the Wilewood in #Sevenarches went on their first #wilding, streaming out of the wood and invading the town. This occurs every 100 years.
#3811AR #RiverKingdoms
#wilewood #sevenarches #wilding #3811ar #riverkingdoms
Frogspawn appeared in the wildlife pond this morning. I am delighted.
#happy #nature #wilding #amphibians #wildlifepond
Fox-and-Cubs or orange hawkweed is one of my favourite wildflowers. I grew these from seed and they have made a beautiful display around my wildlife pond. They are quite invasive, so I will need to monitor their spread.
#naturephotography #nature #wilding #rewilding #wildlifepond #wildflowers
The Story of Knepp: A 'rewilding' success | Ep. 1 | Via
#NaturesRecovery #Rewilding #Wilding #Beavers #Ecology #NatureConnection #Conservation #Wildlife #Knepp
#NaturesRecovery #rewilding #wilding #Beavers #ecology #natureconnection #Conservation #wildlife #Knepp
“We’ve lost an awful lot of habitats in Britain and many of the remaining have become extremely degraded. By taking more local action — microrewilding, if you will — you start creating connectivity and Nature corridors in the landscape.”
#Rewilding #Wilding #NaturesRecovery #Biodiversity #Wildlife #Conservation #Ecology #Microrewilding #NatureConnection
#rewilding #wilding #NaturesRecovery #biodiversity #wildlife #Conservation #ecology #microrewilding #natureconnection
“We’ve lost an awful lot of habits in Britain and many of the remaining have become extremely degraded. By taking more local action — microrewilding, if you will — you start creating connectivity and nature corridors in the landscape.”
#Rewilding #Wilding #NaturesRecovery #Biodiversity #Wildlife #Conservation #Ecology #Microrewilding #NatureConnection
#rewilding #wilding #NaturesRecovery #biodiversity #wildlife #Conservation #ecology #microrewilding #natureconnection
Are YOU interested in Rewilding in DEVON? If so, then please join
the Rewilding Devon Network & get involved in Nature's Recovery.
"As a network, our focus is on sharing ways to increase the abundance of, and connection to, Nature across the county."
#Rewilding #Devon #NaturesRecovery #Wildlife #Conservation #NatureConnection #Ecology #ClimateAction #Biodiversity #Dartmoor #Wilding #Nature
#rewilding #Devon #NaturesRecovery #wildlife #Conservation #natureconnection #ecology #ClimateAction #biodiversity #dartmoor #wilding #nature
I just finished #Wilding by #IsabellaTree which chronicles and delves into her and husband's journey on wilding #KneppFarm
Not only is this #book a goldmine of interesting info. It really opens up ones eyes to the sheer hoops people have to jump through in order to try and make the world better. To try and help the earth.
This book covers so much about the #environmental, #conservational #political #social and #scientific hurdles, issues, reactions and help that this couple went through in order to try wilding their farm. I was floored. It was just phenomenal. The tangents were fascinating and I've come away with pages of notes of people, places and books to research.
This is a very specific eg of wilding but that's what makes it so amazing to read. Isabella goes in-depth about their land. The tangents are all a Domino effect, showing how intertwined their parcel of land is to the bigger area and even country (looking at the waterways section and Birdlife)
#wilding #isabellatree #kneppfarm #book #environmental #conservational #political #social #scientific #bookstodon #bookstdon
@GeriAQuin Really lame that the article uses NYC's #Highline as an example of #wilding. The #Highline is incredibly unsustainable and heavily funded. I like the #Barcelona #treepits better. Any treepits really.Would like to see #pigs and #coyotes introduced into #NYC. The former to control plant invasives because they root and the latter to control #rats and #feralCats so we can have fewer rats and more #birds.
#Birds #feralcats #rats #nyc #coyotes #pigs #treepits #barcelona #wilding #highline
“Re-watering The West With Beavers And Decommissioning Forest Service Roads With Ben Goldfarb”
#Beavers #Ecosystems #Wetland #Biodiversity #Wildlife #Ecology #Conservation #Wilding #Rewilding #ClimateAction #RegenerativeCulture
Listen Here :
#Beavers #ecosystems #wetland #biodiversity #wildlife #ecology #Conservation #wilding #rewilding #ClimateAction #RegenerativeCulture
Now here's a thing for those who still have a bit of spare cash. #Wilding #Rewilding #Biodiversity
#biodiversity #rewilding #wilding