#WildlandFires in #Canada have been making headlines in the U.S. #CriticalZone researchers have been studying the effects of stronger and more frequent large #widlfires for decades. And, of interest to us here in the #Dust Cluster, how these disturbances contribute to the movement of small particles throughout the #ComplexSystems of the #CriticalZone.
#EnvironmentalScience #ecology
#wildlandfires #canada #CriticalZone #widlfires #dust #complexsystems #EnvironmentalScience #ecology
#Wildfire in the #CriticalZone is exactly what #Desert Research Institute based Gabrielle Boisrame studies. She spoke with us about the #ComplexSystems involved in #wildlandfires, the causes of strong fires, and how the area reacts to these disturbances.
#sciencecommunication #scicomm #wildlandfires #complexsystems #desert #CriticalZone #wildfire
Global #WildFires #OpenBurning intensity & emissions for January 2023 in the #CopernicusAtmosphere Monitoring Service #ECMWF GFAS data https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/CAMS%3A+Global+Fire+Assimilation+System+%28GFAS%29+data+documentation. Notable fires in Mexico & S America, with peak fire season in N tropical Africa. 2nd lowest January total emissions since 2003. Hotspots across W Canada during Jan related more to gas/oil extraction activities rather than fires.
Data access https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/cams-global-fire-emissions-gfas?tab=overview
@wildfirescience #WildlandFires #ForestFires #IncendiosForestales
#wildfires #openburning #copernicusatmosphere #ecmwf #wildlandfires #forestfires #incendiosforestales
Global #WildFires #OpenBurning intensity & emissions for December 2022 in the #CopernicusAtmosphere Monitoring Service #ECMWF GFAS data https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/CAMS%3A+Global+Fire+Assimilation+System+%28GFAS%29+data+documentation. Late season fires continuing in central S America, & fire season in N tropical Africa, but overall lowest December and annual estimated global totals in last 20 years. Downward trend follows decreasing tropical savanna fires.
Data available from https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/cams-global-fire-emissions-gfas?tab=overview
@wildfirescience #WildlandFires #ForestFires #IncendiosForestales
#wildfires #openburning #copernicusatmosphere #ecmwf #wildlandfires #forestfires #incendiosforestales
Global #WildFires #OpenBurning intensity & emissions for November 2022 in the #CopernicusAtmosphere Monitoring Service #ECMWF GFAS data https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/CAMS%3A+Global+Fire+Assimilation+System+%28GFAS%29+data+documentation. Late seasonal fires in western Canada and central S America but overall lowest October and Jan-Oct estimated global totals in last 20 years. Downward trend follows decreasing tropical savanna fires.
Data available from https://ads.atmosphere.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/cams-global-fire-emissions-gfas?tab=overview
@wildfirescience #WildlandFires #ForestFires #IncendiosForestales
#wildfires #openburning #copernicusatmosphere #ecmwf #wildlandfires #forestfires #incendiosforestales