Der Vogelzug kommt langsam in Gang und damit beginnen auch Jagd und Wilderei im Mittelmeerraum. Von Spanien im Westen bis zum Libanon im Osten werden nun wieder Vogelfallen und Fangnetze illegal aufgestellt und die Jagdflinten durchgeladen. Damit starten auch unsere Vogelschutzcamps: In den nächsten drei Monaten werden über 200 Vogelschützerinnen und Vogelschützer aus ganz Europa an unseren Aktionen in Südeuropa teilnehmen, illegale Fanggeräte einsammeln und der Polizei bei ihrer Arbeit gegen Vogelfang und Vogeljagd unterstützen.
Beim Vogelschutz sind wir Profis, im Fediverse aber noch blutige Anfänger. Mit diesem kurzen Post machen wir den Auftakt für unsere Berichte hier bei - es lohnt sich bestimmt, gelegentlich bei uns reinzuschauen 🙂
#neuhier #vogelschutz #tierschutz #wildlifecrime #wilderei #europa
#NeuHier #Vogelschutz #tierschutz #wildlifecrime #Wilderei #europa
casual #AnimalAbuse in #Norway is sickening & revolting, & #norwegians are astonishingly STUPID & GREEDY people -- haven't they learned ANYTHING from the habitat destruction caused by salmon farming?
#WildlifeCrime #AnimalCruelty
#animalcruelty #wildlifecrime #Norwegians #Norway #animalabuse
The evidence linking [some] grouse-shooting moor estates and wildlife crime is overwhelming. Influence (in parliament) and money have changed the ‘sport’ to an industry. It’s another of the UK’s shameful hidden corruption.
#wildlife #wildlifecrime #shame #nature #grouse #grouseshooting #weseeyou #bawc…
#bawc #weseeyou #grouseshooting #grouse #nature #shame #wildlifecrime #wildlife
So much happening these days with the illegal wildlife trade of yellow-naped Amazon parrots. 81 parrots seized in China last month, smuggled as eggs in incubation suitcases. Loss of seed dispensers like Amazon parrots limits forest regeneration and further decreases our ability to combat climate change. It's the new world version of the elephant poaching crisis. #parrots #Amazonparrots #wildlifecrime #drytropjcalforest #pasopacifico
#parrots #amazonparrots #wildlifecrime #drytropjcalforest #pasopacifico
Sign this petition to outlaw the possession of banned pesticides implicated in the persecution of birds of prey.
#WildlifeCrime #NI #WhiteTailedEagles
#wildlifecrime #ni #WhiteTailedEagles
If you know who did this, contact the police. #WildlifeCrime #PSNI
BBC News - Rare white-tailed eagles found dead in NI were illegally poisoned
RT ifaw United Kingdom
We've joined forces with @WCL_News to call on the Home Office to ensure #WildlifeCrime is properly recorded. 🦊🦡
Read our letter to @SuellaBraverman here: and sign our petition to demand the government to #MakeWildlifeMatter: ✍️
#wildlifecrime #MakeWildlifeMatter
oh, l👀k: THOUSANDS of small whales & dolphins slaughtered in Greenland’s poorly regulated hunts
#whales #dolphins #AnimalCruelty #WildlifeCrime #greenland
#whales #dolphins #animalcruelty #wildlifecrime #greenland
RT @sharon_ikeazor: @CZacharopoulou It was great catching up again with Minister Chrysoula rep of @EmmanuelMacron at @officialABAT inauguration. Thanks for your support on :#OnePlanetSummit #GGW #Biodiversity #WildlifeCrime 🇳🇬 🇫🇷
#OnePlanetSummit #GGW #biodiversity #wildlifecrime
Intelligent birds that don't deserve life in a cage somewhere. #wildlifecrime #parrots #parrotsofmastodon
#wildlifecrime #parrots #parrotsofmastodon
Whenever I see a yellow-Naped Amazon in captivity, I think of how much these seed dispersers are needed in their native Central American dry tropical forests. There are so many forest areas in the region where the species is now locally extinct. #wildlifecrime robs forests as well as animal lives. #Nicaragua #ElSalvador #PasoPacifico
#wildlifecrime #Nicaragua #elsalvador #pasopacifico
And this is what it looks like when a nest your org is protecting is raided in the night by poachers. This guy seems to have experience at raiding nests. #parrotconservation #wildlifecrime
#parrotconservation #wildlifecrime
Call for Papers for the next in an annual series of UoP and EUI Conferences (at EUI, Florence and online):
Environmental Justice: Rethinking Global Environmental law, 6-7 July 2023
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 11th May 2023. All abstracts will be reviewed by the conveners, and selections will be announced by 18th May 2023.
#EnvironmentalLaw #WildlifeCrime #REPowerEU #JustTransition #ClimateJustice #BlueGovernance #GreenCriminology #GreenWashing
#greenwashing #greencriminology #bluegovernance #climatejustice #justtransition #REPowerEU #wildlifecrime #environmentallaw
RT @oceansasia1
"Illegal fishing poses a serious threat to the environment and is also linked to human rights abuses on board fishing vessels."
#wildlifecrime #iuu #IllegalFishing
Attack on nature in microcosm: demolition work devastates gull colony
#Seabirds #teamgull #wildlifecrime
More evidence of #WildlifeCrime on moors managed for #grouseshooting (yet again by tenants of the #NatiomalTrust in the #peakdistrict) At least this time the National Trust has done the right thing and the lease is not renewed, but #RaptorPersecution is common in the industry and the legal parts of #grousemoormanagement are damaging. Time for a ban. Its tourism damage probably costs the rural economy more than it brings in.
#wildlifecrime #grouseshooting #NatiomalTrust #peakdistrict #RaptorPersecution #grousemoormanagement
I have no voice left and literally can no longer feel my legs but it’s been an extraordinary evening with turn out of thousands of visitors at #NationalMuseumWales for ✨After Dark: Science on Show✨, with #CardiffUni joining forces with museum colleagues to talk #wildlifecrime
#wildlifecrime #cardiffuni #nationalmuseumwales
Detailed article in the Mirror on raptor crime, good to see info on this getting out to a much wider audience
#RaptorPersecution #WildlifeCrime #BirdsOfPrey
#raptorpersecution #wildlifecrime #birdsofprey
STOP HS2 NOW! #HS2 #StopHS2 #HS2Corruption #ToryCorruption #Wildlife #BritishWildlife #Nature #WildlifeCrime #ClimateEmergency #SaveTheTrees
#hs2 #stophs2 #hs2corruption #torycorruption #wildlife #britishwildlife #nature #wildlifecrime #climateemergency #savethetrees