Into #GardenDesign for #WildlifeGardens with #NativePlants & #WildFlowers? *6* amazing resources (UK-centric I’m afraid)
* Database of Insects & their Food Plants (DBIF)
* The Database of Pollinator Interactions (DoPI)
* RHS Plant Finder UK #NativePlants filter
* Plants For A Future
* Plant Atlas UK #NativePlants
* NBN Atlas UK #ecology
#ecology #wildflowers #nativeplants #wildlifegardens #gardendesign
The Benefits of Untidy Gardens ... some thoughts on the advantages of scruffiness for garden wildlife.
#Gardens #Wildlifegardens #Montreal #Leaflitter #Birds #leafblowers #spring
#gardens #wildlifegardens #montreal #leaflitter #birds #leafblowers #spring
Without some thought & a plan, letting your lawn go will mean “weediness”* and ultimately scrubland.
This is fine, for scrubland & wild areas but in the built environment, a lack of design intention will aggravate neighbours & turn them against #WildlifeGardens & #NativePlants.
Luckily, I am a #Wildlife #FoodForest #GardenDesigner & it’s my job go think, plan & design 😎
*weediness means it looks a mess, it does *not* mean native plants or #WildFlowers.
#wildflowers #gardendesigner #foodforest #wildlife #nativeplants #wildlifegardens
Due to popular demand, the Little Brown Birds live stream is being replayed in about an hour! links below- you will find all the platform links there! 🦤😀 #habitatgardening #birdsinbackyards #wildlifegardens #wildoz #birdemergency #urbanbirds #urbanbiodiversity
#habitatgardening #birdsinbackyards #wildlifegardens #wildoz #birdemergency #urbanbirds #urbanbiodiversity
So I'm engaging in making #PollinatorGardens slash #WildlifeGardens in a series of very limited spaces. And I want to support others in doing the same. I'm always looking for ideas and resources, always trying to figure out how best to balance diversity and abundance within strict limits.
#pollinatorgardens #wildlifegardens
Wise words from Nigel Dunnett
#wearenature #buildhabitat #buildsoil #gardenfornature #wildlifegardens #garden
#wearenature #buildhabitat #buildsoil #gardenfornature #wildlifegardens #garden