This look good - the UK's mammal society's monthly webinars are back, with Susan Young looking at monitoring wildlife using CCTV systems
#mammals #ecology #WildlifeMonitoring
#mammals #ecology #wildlifemonitoring
Hello Fediverse! We're happy to be here and hope to contribute to the conversation in 2023. CSG is a team of wildlife biologists with specific interests in the following topics. Learn more about our research at
#WildlifeBiology #WildlifeResearch #RaptorResearch #MovementEcology #PopulationModeling #WildlifeMonitoring #WildlifeToxicology #BASH #HumanWildlifeInteraction # GIS #WildlifeTelemetry #RenewableEnergyWildlifeResearch
#introduction #wildlifebiology #wildliferesearch #RaptorResearch #movementecology #populationmodeling #wildlifemonitoring #wildlifetoxicology #bash #humanwildlifeinteraction #wildlifetelemetry #renewableenergywildliferesearch #nonleadammunition