A moulting #owl will never not be funny to me. #birds #wildliferehabilitation
#owl #birds #wildliferehabilitation
Global News BC: ‘Fitting in well’: Rescued moose calf in good shape at northern B.C. wildlife centre https://globalnews.ca/news/9838239/rescued-moose-calf-update-northern-bc/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #manfiredforrescuingmooseinworktruck #RimrockWildlifeRehabilitationCentre #DawsonCreekwildliferehabcentre #BCConservationOfficerService #moosecalfrescuedFortNelson #WildlifeRehabilitation #Mistythemoosecalf #FortNelsonBC #Environment #BCwildlife #MarkSkage #Moose
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #manfiredforrescuingmooseinworktruck #rimrockwildliferehabilitationcentre #dawsoncreekwildliferehabcentre #BCConservationOfficerService #moosecalfrescuedfortnelson #wildliferehabilitation #mistythemoosecalf #fortnelsonbc #environment #BCwildlife #markskage #moose
Our orphaned #RedShoulderdHawk has joined other hawklets. The others are slightly older - see difference in their feather development. Whenever possible it’s important to join similar species together with their own kind, with as little human contact as possible. This assures they will grow up wild with their #NaturalInstincts & defenses in place.
#Animals #WildLife #raptors #WildlifeConservation #wildliferehabilitation #naturalinstincts #redshoulderdhawk
Our orphaned #RedShoulderdHawk has joined other hawklets. The others are slightly older - see difference in their feather development. Whenever possible it’s important to join similar species together with their own kind, with as little human contact as possible. This assures they will grow up wild with their #NaturalInstincts & defenses in place.
#Animals #WildLife #raptors #WildlifeConservation #wildliferehabilitation #naturalinstincts #redshoulderdhawk
The busy #WildlifeRehabilitation season has begun & the 1st #injured & #orphaned #RedShoulderedHawks are coming in. Here are before & after photos of this very hungry #hawklet. She fell 60 feet from her nest, and was found by kind-hearted #hikers who brought her into the wildlife center. 2nd photo after eating 4 chopped mice. 😳☺️
She still has her #EggTooth (tiny white spot) on tip of beak - helps her to crack egg shell when she was hatching.
#Animals #WildlifeConservation #raptors #WildLife #eggtooth #hikers #hawklet #redshoulderedhawks #orphaned #injured #wildliferehabilitation
The busy #WildlifeRehabilitation season has begun & the 1st #injured & #orphaned #RedShoulderedHawks are coming in. Here are before & after photos of this very hungry #hawklet. She fell 60 feet from her nest, and was found by kind-hearted #hikers who brought her into the wildlife center. 2nd photo after eating 4 chopped mice. 😳☺️
She still has her #EggTooth (tiny white spot) on tip of beak - helps her to crack egg shell when she was hatching.
#Animals #WildlifeConservation #raptors #WildLife #eggtooth #hikers #hawklet #redshoulderedhawks #orphaned #injured #wildliferehabilitation
Back in February I put my then 15 month old grandson in the car and took him with me to pick up an injured eastern screech owl from the finder and transport her to a raptor rehabilitator. Today we got back in the car to watch her return to the wild, his first release!
#wildlife #WildlifeRehab #wildliferehabilitation #ScreechOwl #adirondacks
#wildlife #wildliferehab #wildliferehabilitation #screechowl #adirondacks
Wouldn't normally pick up a checkout aisle magazine but this issue seems cool.
When the writer of this feature approached me, I took advantage of the opportunity to spread the word about wildlife rehabilitation and turtles.
(For the record, I never said anything about breaking out of my shell, but it's a cute headline.)
#WomensWorld #interview #WildlifeRescue #WildlifeRehab #turtles #WildlifeRehabilitation #TurtleRescue
#womensworld #Interview #wildliferescue #wildliferehab #turtles #wildliferehabilitation #turtlerescue
Close up of Morgan's eye! We don't know what happened to her but she is def blind in that eye. She has trouble calculating distances at dusk so she is a non releasable bird currently being trained to be more comfy around people.
Please help us keep this and our other resident birds and patients safe by donating to renovate our center.
#falconry #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation
Our cute boy inviting you to help us with our crowdfunding campaign by snorting!
#falconry #womeninstem #womeninscience #cetreria #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #WildlifeWednesday
#falconry #womenInSTEM #womeninscience #cetreria #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #WildlifeWednesday
I'm presenting at an #interfaith conference on Creation Care near #IthacaNY next weekend. I will be talking about how #WildlifeRehabilitation intersects with and informs my earth-centered spirituality. I may be the only #pagan #druid there, but I'm bringing educational ambassador turtles with me so if things get weird my snapping turtle can defend me. (Gordon will not defend me. He will look cute and confused as usual.)
In the area? Register here: https://tinyurl.com/3kc978vk
#interfaith #ithacany #wildliferehabilitation #pagan #druid
We are $50 shy of $4,000 can you help us get there today?! Here is a slo mo of Luna, our Aploado Falcon flying to the lure! #falconry #AplomadoFalcon #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #crowdfunding #help
#falconry #aplomadofalcon #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #crowdfunding #help
Daily reminder of our criwdfunding with our Ornate Hawk-eagle foster mom drinking water before taking a bath!
#falconry #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #colombia #help #crowdfunding #ornatehawkeagle #spizaetusornatus #spizaetus
#falconry #raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #colombia #help #crowdfunding #ornatehawkeagle #spizaetusornatus #spizaetus
More than 90 people have donated, we are currently at $3,690 lets try to make it to $4,000 by the end of this weekend! We really need your help!
#falconry #harpyeagle #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #crowdfunding #help
#falconry #harpyeagle #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #crowdfunding #help
More than 80 people have helped us by donating, so from the bottom of our heart thanks for the amazing support we are getting!!! We need to keep on going though so please donate and share!
#falconry #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #batfalcon
#falconry #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #batfalcon
Daily reminder that this cutie and the rest of our center need your help! Every cent counts so no donation is small, please help us! #falconry #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #WildlifeWednesday
#falconry #wildliferehabilitation #raptorrehabilitation #WildlifeWednesday
@KeithDJohnson Yes! We’re seeing it here in our #NorthernCalifornia #WildlifeRehabilitation facility. Started seeing it in #WaterFowl, now mammals.
#WeAreAllConnected #humansaremammalstoo #avianflu #WildLife #waterfowl #wildliferehabilitation #northerncalifornia
We got to renest a fallen Yellow-headed Caracara chick couple days ago… we fed the lil dude, put a nest up in another palm, and returned it to its parents. #RaptorRehabilitation #WildlifeRehabilitation #Colombia
#raptorrehabilitation #wildliferehabilitation #colombia
Squirrel Book 3 of 10
Here’s the illustration for Chapter 2. This shows a man trying to teach a squirrel how to dig up acorns.
Source: https://karenbjones.com/2023/03/06/squirrel-book-3-of-10/
#acorn #artsample #blackandwhite #cartoon #childrensillustration #digginglessons #drawing #illustration #interiorillustrations #jeanmaurer #karenbjones #kidlitart #kneeling #man #puzzled #squirrel #squirrelskills #teaching #wildliferehabilitation
#acorn #artsample #blackandwhite #cartoon #childrensillustration #digginglessons #drawing #illustration #interiorillustrations #jeanmaurer #karenbjones #kidlitart #kneeling #man #puzzled #squirrel #squirrelskills #teaching #wildliferehabilitation