#WildlifeSighting of the morning: Jay sitting like two metres away from my (closed) window, screeching its head off.
(It hopped into the hedge while I watched it and then flew up to the top of the fence, so I'd say not injured, just wanting someone else to GO AWAY! Maybe magpies.)
Global News BC: ‘It’s pretty majestic’: Kelowna B.C. man captures images of a pack of wolves while hiking https://globalnews.ca/news/9434115/kelowna-hiker-pictures-pack-of-wolves/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BlackMountaintrails #Okanaganwildlife #rarewolfsighting #Wildlifesighting #Kelownawolfpack #blackmountain #Packofwolves #Canada
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #blackmountaintrails #okanaganwildlife #rarewolfsighting #wildlifesighting #kelownawolfpack #blackmountain #packofwolves #Canada
I knew deer travel through my property, partly because I've seen them in the evenings. I've never before today seen any browsing the woods in the mid-morning. #WildlifeSighting