Top tier!
Both Hobbys were back this morning. Here’s one of them absolutely sticking its landing on return from a strafing flyby.
#WildOz #OzBirds #WildMelbourne #AustralianHobby #Raptor #WildlifeVideography #Raptor
#wildoz #ozbirds #wildmelbourne #AustralianHobby #raptor #wildlifevideography
Juvenile criminals!
Horde of juvenile Crimson rosellas attacking the recently mown kikuyu lawn. Sir Walter is aghast I tell you, aghast!
#OzBirds #WildOz #CrimsonRosella #BirdsInBackYards #BirdsFeeding #FreeTV #BushTV #WildlifeVideography
#ozbirds #wildoz #CrimsonRosella #birdsinbackyards #birdsfeeding #freetv #bushtv #wildlifevideography
Spot the bird spot the dog!
#tawnyfrogmouth #WildOz #OzBirds #WildlifeVideography #TawnyThursday #Birds
#TawnyFrogmouth #wildoz #ozbirds #wildlifevideography #tawnythursday #birds
Free Bush TV - Ep 02 Magpie soliloquy… no subscription required.
What a wonderful display
#wildoz #WildMelbourne #AustralianMagpie #WildLifeVideography #mimic #birdsinbackyards
#wildoz #wildmelbourne #AustralianMagpie #wildlifevideography #mimic #birdsinbackyards
Vehicle wing mirrors can be confusing to male birds, in this case a local White-browed Scrub Wren, I believe it sees its reflection as another male threatening its territory… #Birds #Biodiversity #WildLifeVideography #Photography #Nature
#birds #biodiversity #wildlifevideography #photography #nature
Another from the vault. Last year's Tawny frogmouth family chose to roosted in Federal Reserve. This is the hatchling, what a yawn.
#TawnyFrogmouth #hatchling #OzBirds #WildOz #birds #WildLifeVideography #FederalReserve
#TawnyFrogmouth #hatchling #ozbirds #wildoz #birds #wildlifevideography #federalreserve
Yellowtail Black Cockatoos - visiting yesterday morning. #Birds #Biodiversity #Nature #WildLifeVideography
#birds #biodiversity #nature #wildlifevideography
So, the fun police mount another raid on a solitary Laughing kookaburra… woofers!
#laughingkookaburra #noisyminer #avianfunpolice #wildoz #OzBirds #WildLifeVideography #WildMelbourne
#laughingkookaburra #avianfunpolice #wildoz #ozbirds #wildlifevideography #wildmelbourne #NoisyMiner
Melbourne: sights & sounds of #SuburbanSaturday
#musklorikeet #eucalyptus #floweringtree #WildLifeVideography #MountWaverley #federalreserve
#suburbansaturday #musklorikeet #eucalyptus #floweringtree #wildlifevideography #mountwaverley #federalreserve