OK, #Introduction … Take 2
I’m a microbial geneticist interested in how microbes live everywhere, with everyone! Venturing outside our fave #lab #modelorganism #ecoli k12 lately to study #wildmicrobes of the gut
Study #AMR #host-pathogen #microbe-host #SignalTransduction #stressresponse #adaptation #bacteriophage #infection #colonization #microbiome #biofilm
Also! #mom #mentor #academic #yeg #BC #nature #hiking #camping #outside #skiing #pets #ScienceMastodon #Scientist #science #leadership
#introduction #lab #modelorganism #Ecoli #wildmicrobes #AMR #host #Microbe #SignalTransduction #stressresponse #adaptation #bacteriophage #infection #colonization #microbiome #biofilm #mom #mentor #academic #yeg #bc #nature #hiking #camping #outside #skiing #pets #ScienceMastodon #scientist #Science #leadership
OK, #Introduction … Take 2
I’m a microbial geneticist interested in how microbes live everywhere, with everyone! Venturing outside our fave #lab #modelorganism #ecoli k12 lately to study #wildmicrobes of the gut
Study #AMR #host-pathogen #microbe-host #SignalTransduction #stressresponse #adaptation #bacteriophage #infection #colonization #microbiome #biofilm
Also! #mom #mentor #academic #yeg #BC #nature #hiking #camping #outside #skiing #pets #ScienceMastodon #Scientist #science #leadership
#introduction #lab #modelorganism #Ecoli #wildmicrobes #AMR #host #Microbe #SignalTransduction #stressresponse #adaptation #bacteriophage #infection #colonization #microbiome #biofilm #mom #mentor #academic #yeg #bc #nature #hiking #camping #outside #skiing #pets #ScienceMastodon #scientist #Science #leadership