My current #yarn make is a crochet #sweater or maybe dress, inspired by my fav #wildoleander hooded #scarf You can see the notes on my #ravelry project page. Still needs sleeves and the hood and more length if I have enough yarn. #maker #crafts
#crafts #maker #ravelry #scarf #wildoleander #sweater #yarn
C'est fin #crochet #WickedlyHandmade #WildOleander
I might add tassels to the v front of my hooded scarf in the future but I'm undecided. Plus then there's the whole regular or fancy tassels question. #handmade
#crochet #wickedlyhandmade #wildoleander #handmade
Watching #ReturnOfTheWild while finishing my #crochet #scarf the pattern is called #WildOleander by #WickedlyHandmade
The yarn is just a mix of Aran weight colours etc. because I couldn't get the red heard self striping neon yarn, it was only available on Amazon and was either sold out or wouldn't ship to Ireland.
Being a total nerd and going to the #LivingSynodalityNow symposium hosted by #SETU tomorrow #theology will be wearing my new scarf if it's finished in time.
#returnofthewild #crochet #scarf #wildoleander #wickedlyhandmade #livingsynodalitynow #setu #theology