@sarae #WildFirst #WildSalmonAlliance Wild salmon are so important!
#wildfirst #wildsalmonalliance
*GOOD. Keep open net fish farms out of BC waters. Mowi is nasty. They still haven't cleaned up their abandoned hatcheries too. I have evidence. Sent to DFO.*
The federal government is standing by its decision not to renew licences for 15 open-net Atlantic salmon farms in #BritishColumbia ’s #DiscoveryIslands , despite recent court challenges.
#FishFarmsOut #WildSalmonAlliance #WildFirst #ProtectTheWild #SaveWildSalmon #KeystoneSpecies #ProtectWildSalmon #PNW
#britishcolumbia #discoveryislands #fishfarmsout #wildsalmonalliance #wildfirst #protectthewild #savewildsalmon #keystonespecies #protectwildsalmon #pnw
@thenarwhal Finally. This has been decades long fight against open net fish farms. I got involved 16 years ago. Huge uphill battles. #SaveWildSalmon #WildSalmonAlliance
#savewildsalmon #wildsalmonalliance