Another shot of my 'up close and personal' experience with the giant otters of Manu National Park. Moments of contact with such intelligent and magnificent creatures are what makes life worth living!
In Peru, giant otters are known as Lobos del Rio...'River Wolves'...When you see them in action, you understand why...
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#manunationalpark, #giantotters, #nature, #peru, #wildsouthamerica, #livingplanet, #amazonrainforest, #naturephotography
#manunationalpark #giantotters #nature #Peru #wildsouthamerica #LivingPlanet #amazonrainforest #naturephotography
Another shot of my 'up close and personal' experience with the giant otters of Manu National Park. Moments of contact with such intelligent and magnificent creatures are what makes life worth living!
In Peru, giant otters are known as Lobos del Rio...'River Wolves'...When you see them in action, you understand why...
Read more at:
#manunationalpark, #giantotters, #nature, #peru, #wildsouthamerica, #livingplanet, #amazonrainforest, #naturephotography
#manunationalpark #giantotters #nature #Peru #wildsouthamerica #LivingPlanet #amazonrainforest #naturephotography