ok so I think people have been getting the lyrics wrong all these years...it isn't "Wild Thing" (by the Troggs) but instead "Mastodon"....trust me...do the substitution...your life will be better for it #lyrics #WildThing
Such a great article (and I am such a know-nothing: I had no idea 'Wild Thing', 'Angel of the Morning' and 'Anyway That You Want Me' were written by the same person.)
#anywaythatyouwantme #angelofthemorning #wildthing #thetroggs #chiptailor
#Shadow #Sugar #AllowedToBe #Layered #Texture #Shades #Kissed #Sunlight #Bitten #Moon #Feel #Different #Raw #Tender #Mess #Pretty #Dirty #Beautiful #Wild #Run #Spill #Everywhere #AllAtOnce #Yourself #Soft #WildThing #Quote #QuoteOfTheDay
#shadow #sugar #allowedtobe #layered #texture #shades #kissed #sunlight #bitten #moon #feel #different #raw #Tender #mess #pretty #dirty #beautiful #wild #run #spill #everywhere #allatonce #yourself #soft #wildthing #quote #quoteoftheday
IT’S HR THURSDAY!!!! Look upon the gloriousness that is…..WILD THING!!!!
Now you don’t have to ask where the wild things are…😁😁
I hope you enjoy this and the earworm you have now. Don’t lie, you know all of you are hearing some version of the song in your heads currently. You’re welcome.
Now go be someone’s reason to smile today.
@JoshuaCrawford https://youtu.be/hmrPlOj-ur0 #TheGoodies or did you mean The Troggs? #WildThing
#JukeboxFridayNight songs with unusual instruments. Here's #TheTroggs with #WildThing featuring an #Ocarina solo! https://youtu.be/zWcw6GEPBkY
#ocarina #wildthing #thetroggs #jukeboxfridaynight
👹Artist: #Davidzinn - City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 - Title: Marcia's ability to make friends is beyond belief."- ("Marcias Fähigkeit, Freunde zu finden, ist einfach unglaublich.")
#StreetArt #Art #Microart #Streetart #Mastoart #KeineKatze #Chalkart #Pareidolia #WaterCap #WildThing #sidewalkchalk 💕
#sidewalkchalk #wildthing #watercap #pareidolia #chalkart #keinekatze #MastoArt #microart #art #streetart #annarbor #davidzinn
Oh bless. Brooklyn Public Library shares its 125 most checked-out books. Numba One Ansah is one of my very favourites. :heart_pride: #WildThing #Sendak