Today in Labor History August 21, 1680: Pueblo Indians captured Santa Fe from the Spanish. The Pueblo Revolt was an uprising against the Spanish colonizers in the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México. The Pueblos killed 400 Spaniards and drove the remaining 2,000 settlers out of the province. However, the Spaniards reconquered New Mexico 12 years later. One cause of the revolt was the Spaniard’s attempt to destroy the Pueblo religion and ban their traditional dances and kachina dolls.
The Pueblo Revolt has been depicted in numerous fictional accounts, many of which were written by native and Pueblo authors. Clara Natonabah, Nolan Eskeets & Ariel Antone, from the Santa Fe Indian School Spoken Word Team, wrote and performed "Po'pay" in 2010. In 2005, Native Voices at the Autry produced “Kino and Teresa,” a Pueblo recreation of “Romeo and Juliet,” written by Taos Pueblo playwright James Lujan. La Compañía de Teatro de Albuquerque produced the bilingual play “Casi Hermanos,” written by Ramon Flores and James Lujan, in 1995. Even Star Trek got into the game, with references to the Pueblo Revolt in their "Journey's End" episode. The rebel leader, Po’pay, was depicted in Willa Cather’s “Death Comes for the Arch Bishop” and in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.”
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #pueblo #revolt #rebellion #uprising #NativeAmerican #genocide #indigenous #NewMexico #books #plays #playwright #fiction #novel #author #writer #StarTrek #AldousHuxley #WillaCather @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #pueblo #revolt #rebellion #uprising #nativeamerican #genocide #indigenous #NewMexico #books #plays #playwright #fiction #novel #author #writer #startrek #aldoushuxley #willacather
Today's poem:
The Star Dial
- by Willa Cather
#poetry #WillaCather #assignation #love #wait #patience #sadness #absence #tryst #connection #star
#poetry #willacather #assignation #love #wait #patience #sadness #absence #tryst #connection #star
Kevin McCarthy unveiled a statue of lesbian author Willa Cather in U.S. Capitol during Pride Month. McCarthy gushed over Cather's literary contributions to America, but he neglected to mention that he'd have persecuted her if she was still alive.
#LGBTQNation #KevinMcCarthy #WillaCather #USCapitol #PrideMonth #PersecutionOfLGBTQIA+ #Politics #News
#lgbtqnation #kevinmccarthy #willacather #uscapitol #pridemonth #persecutionoflgbtqia #politics #news
Useless Quote for 10 January:
“There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm. ”
~ Willa Cather, 1915 (in "the Song of the Lark")
Turned on a film while eating my avocado toast for brunch and it's left me in a melancholy daze. Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont isn't nearly as good as the book - SHOCK - and it's harshed my chill.
Anyway. I'm considering a short walk, followed by reading something very good, indeed, by Willa Cather.
Hope you're enjoying your weekend!
#films #mrspalfreyattheclaremont #willacather #americanliterature #nebraska #bookstodon #sundee #bluestalking
#bookstodon #films #mrspalfreyattheclaremont #willacather #AmericanLiterature #nebraska #sundee #bluestalking
All the #PublicDomainDay releases by #StandardEbooks (
The Big Four—#AgathaChristie
Sir Percy Hits Back—#BaronessOrczy
Clouds of Witness—#DorothyLSayers
Unnatural Death—#DorothyLSayers
The Story of Ivy—#MarieBellocLowndes
Elmer Gantry—#SinclairLewis
The Bridge of San Luis Rey—#ThortonWilder
To the Lighthouse—#VirginiaWoolf
Death Comes for the Archbishop—#WillaCather
#publicdomainday #StandardEbooks #agathachristie #baronessorczy #dorothylsayers #mariebelloclowndes #sinclairlewis #thortonwilder #virginiawoolf #walternobleburns #willacather #wsomersetmaugham #opensource #books #bookstadon
If you're participating in any exciting #readingchallenge this year, please share! I'm interested in possibly jumping on board, depending how it fits with my schedule.
I'm going to be reading more #worldliterature #willacather #salmanrushdie and #virginiawoolf among others. I'm interested in #classicliterature and #literaryfiction but also #nonfiction and other genres.
#ReadingChallenge #worldliterature #willacather #salmanrushdie #VirginiaWoolf #ClassicLiterature #literaryfiction #nonfiction #bookstodon #bookdiscussion #reading2023 #bluestalking
A sampling of creations from 1927 entering public domain on January 1: Virginia Woolf's 'To the Lighthouse', Willa Cather's 'Death Comes for the Archbishop'; Fritz Lang's film 'Metropolis'; Louis Armstrong's 'Potato Head Blues'; Irving Berlin's 'Puttin' On the Ritz'; Jerome Kern's 'Ol' Man River' and 'Can't Help Lovin' That Man of Mine.'
The best things in life are free. (Yep—that, too!)
#FritzLang #LouisArmstrong #VirginiaWoolf #JeromeKern #WillaCather #PublicDomain
#fritzlang #louisarmstrong #virginiawoolf #jeromekern #willacather #publicdomain
@Mclark Thanks! Enjoy #historicalFiction. Have heard of this #title for many years; don't think I've ever read it. Adding it to my #toReadList.
#ToRead #MyAntonia #WillaCather #AmericanImmigrants #1920s #farmLife #landscape #homeLife #womensLife #prairieLife
#historicalfiction #title #toreadlist #toread #myantonia #willacather #americanimmigrants #1920s #farmlife #landscape #homelife #womenslife #prairielife
#LittletonAlston sculpts #WillaCather to help diversify the National Statuary Hall Collection in DC. #arts #sculpture #poc #lgbtq (9 min)
#littletonalston #willacather #arts #sculpture #poc #lgbtq
So I'm searching for all things #Nebraska #Nebraskan #Nebraskans
#neleg #newx #UNL #LNK #Omaha #Unicameral #IANR #agchat #rural #UNK #PeruState #UNO #OMA #UNMC #Huskers #BigTen #PlatteRiver #Lincoln #Kearney #SandhillCranes #agriculture #MissouriRiver #Ogallala #Scottsbluff #Chadron #ArborDay #runza #Aksarben #EqualityBeforeTheLaw #negov #GreatPlains #prairie #Cornhusker #corn #WillaCather #sandhills #thegoodlife #Cornhuskers #Niobrara #VisitNebraska
#nebraska #nebraskan #nebraskans #neleg #newx #unl #lnk #omaha #unicameral #ianr #agchat #rural #unk #perustate #uno #oma #unmc #Huskers #bigten #platteriver #lincoln #kearney #sandhillcranes #agriculture #missouririver #ogallala #scottsbluff #chadron #ArborDay #runza #aksarben #equalitybeforethelaw #negov #GreatPlains #prairie #cornhusker #corn #willacather #sandhills #TheGoodLife #cornhuskers #niobrara #visitnebraska
Especially on days like today, the “stitched-material records,” at the tinypricks project on IG, are gold.
#migration #storms #tinypricks #NeedleArts #embroidery #WillaCather #payingattention
#migration #storms #tinypricks #needlearts #embroidery #willacather #payingattention
I changed my mind, the seven authors who had the biggest influence on me are
#terrypratchett #marktwain #janeaustin #douglasadams #billwatterson #williamshakespeare #willacather
“I was something that lay under the sun and felt it, like the pumpkins, and I did not want to be anything more. I was entirely happy. Perhaps we feel like that when we die and become a part of something entire, whether it is sun and air, or goodness and knowledge. At any rate, that is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great. When it comes to one, it comes as naturally as sleep.”
#MyAntonia #WillaCather
The old man smiled. 'I shall not die of a cold, my son. I shall die of having lived'
That is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete & great
That is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete & great