#Strays: While there's not much novelty to the idea of swearing dogs, this actually gets pretty good when it has a proper target to aim at. Namely, taking the piss out of the Dog's Purpose Cinematic Universe.
Full review at Mahan's Media: https://betwixtstarproductions.blogspot.com/2023/09/strays-2023-movie-review.html #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #comedy #raunchy #joshgreenbaum #danperrault #willferrell #willforte #jamiefoxx #islafisher #randallpark #thedogssayfuck
#strays #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #comedy #raunchy #joshgreenbaum #danperrault #willferrell #willforte #jamiefoxx #islafisher #randallpark #thedogssayfuck
The whole internet agrees that Doug Martin and Randy from How I Met Your Mother should get married. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #DougMartin #WillSasso #Randy #WillForte
#himym #howimetyourmother #dougmartin #willsasso #randy #willforte
Everybody agrees that Tyler the Cute Biker and Janice Valentino are the nicest couple on Gravity Falls. #GravityFalls #TylertheCuteBiker #WillForte #JaniceValentino #KimberlyMooney
#gravityfalls #tylerthecutebiker #willforte #janicevalentino #kimberlymooney
RUBY GILLMAN TEENAGE KRAKEN (2023) Movie Trailer: DreamWorks’ Animated Sea Creature Fantasy Film
#FilmBook #MovieTrailer #AnnieMurphy #ColmanDomingo #DreamWorksAnimation #EchoKellum #EduardoFranco #FarynPearl #JaboukieYoung-White #JaneFonda #KirkDeMicco #LanaCondor #LizaKoshy #MovieTrailer #NicoleByer #RamonaYoung #RubyGillmanTeenageKraken #SamRichardson #ToniCollette #UniversalPictures #WillForte
#filmbook #movietrailer #anniemurphy #colmandomingo #dreamworksanimation #echokellum #eduardofranco #farynpearl #jaboukieyoung #janefonda #kirkdemicco #lanacondor #lizakoshy #nicolebyer #ramonayoung #rubygillmanteenagekraken #samrichardson #tonicollette #universalpictures #willforte
#TheLegoMovie was released 9 years ago today in movie theaters.
What a fun movie.
Batman: "I only work in black and sometimes very, very dark grey"
#thelegomovie #chrispratt #WillFerrell #willarnett #elizabethbanks #charlieday #willforte #morganfreeman #jonahhill #channingtatum #billydeewilliams #anthonydaniels #liamneeson #shaquilleoneal #nickofferman #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
This bit is one of the dumbest, funniest, most ridiculous things #SNL has ever done. I’m doubled-over laughing! It’s crude and silly, and #JasonSudeikis and #WillForte are just perfect 😂
#snl #jasonsudeikis #willforte