It's a real shame #dccomics hasn't made a nice, #hardcover #artbook called "The Art of Batman Beyond: The Animated Series". It would be totally awesome to own an #book chock full of production, concept, and marketing art from the #BatmanBeyond #animated series and #ReturnoftheJoker #movie plus commentary and show notes.
A real shame.
#DCAU #Batman #BatmanTAS #BruceTimm #PaulDini #KevinConroy #willfriedle
#dccomics #hardcover #artbook #book #batmanbeyond #animated #returnofthejoker #movie #dcau #batman #BatmanTAS #brucetimm #pauldini #KevinConroy #willfriedle
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Ben Savage 'Ghosted' His 'Boy Meets World' Castmates #Jezebel #diannefeinstein #daniellefishel #girlmeetsworld #williamdaniels #boymeetsworld #podmeetsworld #corymatthews #willfriedle #mattfishel #adamschiff #bensavage #bennyboy #feeny #shawn #eric
#jezebel #diannefeinstein #daniellefishel #girlmeetsworld #williamdaniels #boymeetsworld #podmeetsworld #corymatthews #willfriedle #mattfishel #adamschiff #bensavage #bennyboy #feeny #shawn #eric
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Danielle Fishel Says a 'Boy Meets World' Exec Hung a Photo of Her at Age 16 in His Bedroom #Jezebel #televisionintheunitedstates #christycarlsonromano #entertainmentculture #notthinkingstraight #televisionseries #topangalawrence #jeanettemccurdy #daniellefishel #boymeetsworld #creativeworks #alexanikolas #ericmatthews #shawnhunter #willfriedle #fishel
#jezebel #televisionintheunitedstates #christycarlsonromano #entertainmentculture #notthinkingstraight #televisionseries #topangalawrence #jeanettemccurdy #daniellefishel #boymeetsworld #creativeworks #alexanikolas #ericmatthews #shawnhunter #willfriedle #fishel
Everybody agrees that Reginald and Knight Lilliputtian from Gravity Falls are endgame. #GravityFalls #WillFriedle #KnightLilliputtian #JohnOHurley
#gravityfalls #willfriedle #knightlilliputtian #johnohurley
A new #FilmsTRIPS is out! This time, Ross May joins Andrew and I to take a look at the animated DTV film #BatmanBeyondReturnOfTheJoker:
#KevinConroy #WillFriedle #MarkHamill #AngieHarmon #LaurenTom #CurtGeda #PaulDini #Batman #podcast
#podcast #batman #pauldini #curtgeda #laurentom #angieharmon #markhamill #willfriedle #kevinconroy #batmanbeyondreturnofthejoker #filmstrips