Bill Taroli :neurodiversity: · @btaroli
193 followers · 2002 posts · Server

Attended a great webinar today on , shared by the Square Pegs group. It’s such a complex subject because what it means from different parts of our journey can change. When we aren’t connected to our it’s an and potentially instinct. As we gain identity and power it can be , and sometimes from a place of … even weaponized. But it’s always a good topic to discuss and be mindful. @actuallyautistic

#masking #meetup #identity #instinctual #harmful #survival #willful #privilege #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Had a brief visit to the 'other site' today to see how many medical and social equity folks I followed had moved over to Mastodon. Sorry to read that in spite of knowing that they're going down in flames, many of them find it 'too challenging' to relocate.

Cartoon of 'bluebird' sitting with a mug amidst flames.

#hesitation #resistance #ignorance #willful #stubborn #BlueBird #twitter #cartoon

Last updated 2 years ago