@tzimmer_history It's almost like #WilliamBarr is a soulless monster or something. Who'd ever have guessed?
I suppose it's useful that slimebags like #JohnBolton and #WilliamBarr condemn #Trump now, but they should still rot in hell for their years of enabling him.
#Trump #williambarr #johnbolton
"If even half of it's true, then he's toast," said former Attorney General and #Trump sycophant #WilliamBarr. #TrumpIndictment https://www.commondreams.org/news/barr-says-trump-indictment-not-a-witch-hunt
#trumpindictment #williambarr #Trump
Traditionally the President has a hands off roll with the DOJ. He gets to appoint the Attorney General. Most Presidents opt to maintain distance least they be perceived as interferring in the judicial process.
That changed in the #Trump presidency when #DonaldTrump attempted to find an AG who would do his bidding directly. #WilliamBarr initially proved to be the right man for that job. Now #KevinMcCarthy is attempting to tar #JoeBiden with the same thing, projection at its worst
#trump #donaldtrump #williambarr #kevinmccarthy #joebiden
Better late than never, I guess. #WilliamBarr has had enough of #Trump, debunks "witch hunt" nonsense.
Lawmakers Call for Inquiry Into #Durham’s Review of #RussiaInvestigation
The Democrats asked the #JusticeDepartment’s #InspectorGeneral to scrutinize whether John H. Durham & #WilliamBarr “violated any laws, #DOJ rules or practices, or canons of legal ethics.”
- Charlie Savage
#BillBarr #Corruption #Trump #Russia
#durham #russiainvestigation #justicedepartment #inspectorgeneral #williambarr #doj #billbarr #corruption #trump #russia
The Durham Probe Was Barr’s Witch Hunt
A shockingly unethical and failed crusade to vindicate Trump
#WilliamBarr #JohnDurham #DonaldTrump #Conservatives #Corruption #TrumpCorruption #GlennGreenwald #ConspiracyTheories
#williambarr #johndurham #donaldtrump #conservatives #corruption #trumpcorruption #glenngreenwald #conspiracytheories
The Mar-a-Lago Search—What Should Happen Next | Opinion #DonaldTrump #Trump #WhiteHouse #Maralago #FBI #MerrickGarland #JoshHawley #TedCruz #Democrats #HillaryClinton #DepartmentofJustice #KimJongUn #WilliamBarr #11agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3c3dlZWsuY29tL21hci1sYWdvLXNlYXJjaHdoYXQtc2hvdWxkLWhhcHBlbi1uZXh0LW9waW5pb24tMTczMzA0Ng==
#11agosto #williambarr #kimjongun #departmentofjustice #hillaryclinton #democrats #tedcruz #joshhawley #merrickgarland #fbi #maralago #whitehouse #trump #donaldtrump
Meadows Will `Rat Trump Out` in DOJ Jan. 6 Probe, Glenn Kirschner Predicts #DonaldTrump #January6 #WhiteHouse #Indictment #MSNBC #NBC #CNN #JoeBiden #Republicans #WilliamBarr #MerrickGarland #DepartmentofJustice #6agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3c3dlZWsuY29tL21lYWRvd3Mtd2lsbC1yYXQtdHJ1bXAtb3V0LWRvai1qYW4tNi1wcm9iZS1nbGVubi1raXJzY2huZXItcHJlZGljdHMtMTczMTU0Mw==
#6agosto #departmentofjustice #merrickgarland #williambarr #republicans #joebiden #cnn #nbc #msnbc #indictment #whitehouse #January6 #donaldtrump
Trump Faces `Clear-Cut Criminal Exposure` in Georgia: Attorney #DonaldTrump #Georgia #GrandJury #2020Election #JoeBiden #Republicans #CBS #DepartmentofJustice #WilliamBarr #23luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3c3dlZWsuY29tL3RydW1wLWZhY2VzLWNsZWFyLWN1dC1jcmltaW5hbC1leHBvc3VyZS1nZW9yZ2lhLWF0dG9ybmV5LTE3MjczNjY=
#23luglio #williambarr #departmentofjustice #cbs #republicans #joebiden #2020election #grandjury #georgia #donaldtrump
Support for Criminally Charging Trump Over Jan. 6 Rises During Hearings #DonaldTrump #January6 #Poll #Polls #JoeBiden #MikePence #WilliamBarr #20giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3c3dlZWsuY29tL3N1cHBvcnQtY3JpbWluYWxseS1jaGFyZ2luZy10cnVtcC1vdmVyLWphbi02LXJpc2VzLWR1cmluZy1oZWFyaW5ncy0xNzE3MjEz
#20giugno #williambarr #mikepence #joebiden #polls #poll #January6 #donaldtrump
Jan 6. Hearings Have Exposed the Extent of Trump`s Delusions, Experts Say #DonaldTrump #January6 #CapitolRiots #2020Election #WilliamBarr #14giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3c3dlZWsuY29tL3RydW1wLWphbjYtaGVhcmluZ3MtZGVsdXNpb25zLTIwMjAtZWxlY3Rpb24tdm90ZXItZnJhdWQtMTcxNTU3Mw==
#14giugno #williambarr #2020election #CapitolRiots #January6 #donaldtrump
GOP Voter Sentenced for Casting Dead Mom`s Ballot, Said Election Not `Fair` #Arizona #VoterFraud #2020Election #Republican #DonaldTrump #JoeBiden #CBS #WilliamBarr #Congress https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3c3dlZWsuY29tL2dvcC12b3Rlci1zZW50ZW5jZWQtY2FzdGluZy1kZWFkLW1vbXMtYmFsbG90LXNhaWQtZWxlY3Rpb24tbm90LWZhaXItMTcwMjQ0Mg==
#congress #williambarr #cbs #joebiden #donaldtrump #republican #2020election #voterfraud #arizona
Come poteva il Proc Gen #WilliamBarr fare luce in Italia sullo #Spygate se fa parte della cricca #Bush-#Biden-#CIA-#Cina
Nei primi 2 anni alla #CIA, Barr lavorò per la Dir d'intelligence nel Dip cinese e Bush andò a Pechino nel 1974 come rif di #Kissinger..
#kissinger #cina #cia #biden #bush #spygate #williambarr
#WilliamBarr kept #HunterBiden probes from public to avoid #election politics:
#williambarr #hunterbiden #election
#WIlliamBarr concealed the #HunterBiden probe during the #election?:
#williambarr #hunterbiden #election
#SteveBell on #WilliamBarr opening inquiries into claims of voting ‘irregularities’ – #cartoon | Opinion | The Guardian
#stevebell #williambarr #cartoon #us #politics #satire #donaldtrump
PS: 7:2 votes is rather damning seen the composition of the current #SCOTUS. Looks as if the institutions of the #UnitedStates still work as they should despite #WilliamBarr's attempts to sabotage them. And that is very good news indeed.
#scotus #unitedstates #williambarr
FBI finally unlock shooter’s iPhones, berate Apple for not helping - The FBI's Apple problem. more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/05/20/fbi-finally-unlock-shooters-iphones-berate-apple-for-not-helping/ #mohammedsaeedalshamrani #governmentsecurity #attorneygeneral #mobilephonedata #iphonecracking #williamp.barr #cryptography ##nobackdoors #appleproblem #usnavalbase #williambarr #cellebrite #encryption #law&order #backdoors #chriswray #earnitact #forensics #murderers #pensacola #ios
#ios #pensacola #murderers #forensics #earnitact #chriswray #backdoors #law #encryption #cellebrite #williambarr #usnavalbase #appleproblem #nobackdoors #cryptography #williamp #iphonecracking #mobilephonedata #attorneygeneral #governmentsecurity #mohammedsaeedalshamrani