O sages standing in God's holy fire
As in the gold mosaic of a wall,
Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,
And be the singing-masters of my soul.
Consume my heart away; sick with desire
And fastened to a dying animal
It knows not what it is; and gather me
Into the artifice of eternity.
~ From “Sailing to Byzantium” by W. B. Yeats
#dualism #mortality #byzantium #williambutleryeats
O sages standing in God's holy fire
As in the gold mosaic of a wall,
Come from the holy fire, perne in a gyre,
And be the singing-masters of my soul.
Consume my heart away; sick with desire
And fastened to a dying animal
It knows not what it is; and gather me
Into the artifice of eternity.
~ From “Sailing to Byzantium” by W. B. Yeats
#mortality #byzantium #williambutleryeats
Joni Mitchell - Slouching Towards Bethlehem
#music #jonimitchell #williambutleryeats
O body swayed to #music,
O brightening glance,
How can we know the dancer from the dance?
Literarischer #13Juni
„Hinter der Maske ist immer ein lebendes Gesicht.“
#WilliamButlerYeats #SyngesTod Geburt 1865
#13juni #williambutleryeats #syngestod
“For the psychologist, Wilfred Bion, negative capability was about not giving in to the temptation to continually engage with the safety of the familiar.”
#psychology #NegativeCapability #safety #familiarity #unknown #williambutleryeats #Shakespeare
#psychology #NegativeCapability #safety #familiarity #unknown #williambutleryeats #shakespeare
Jack Butler Yeats, brother of WB Yeats and a painter who developed an intensely expressionist style, died on 28th March 1957. He was a close friend of Samuel Beckett.
#Ireland #IrishHistory #IrishArt #Painting #JackButlerYeats #WilliamButlerYeats #WBYeats #SamuelBeckett #OnThisDay
#ireland #irishhistory #irishart #painting #jackbutleryeats #williambutleryeats #wbyeats #samuelbeckett #onthisday
And what if excess of #love
Bewildered them till they died?
Now shall I make my soul,
Compelling it to study
In a learned school
Till the wreck of body,
Slow decay of blood,
Testy delirium
Or dull decrepitude,
Or what worse evil come—
The death of friends, or death
Of every brilliant eye
That made a catch in the breath—
Seem but the clouds of the sky
When the horizon fades,
Or a bird's sleepy cry
Among the deepening shades.
~ William Butler Yeats, from “The Tower”
Thoor Ballylee. #YeatsTower #Gort #Galway #Ireland. Home to #WilliamButlerYeats.
#yeatstower #gort #Galway #ireland #williambutleryeats
My fiftieth year had come and gone,
I sat, a solitary man,
In a crowded London shop,
An open book and empty cup
On the marble table-top.
While on the shop and street I gazed
My body of a sudden blazed;
And twenty minutes more or less
It seemed, so great my happiness,
That I was blessed and could bless.
~ W. B. Yeats, from “Vacillation”
#ecstasy #solitude #williambutleryeats
My fiftieth year had come and gone,
I sat, a solitary man,
In a crowded London shop,
An open book and empty cup
On the marble table-top.
While on the shop and street I gazed
My body of a sudden blazed;
And twenty minutes more or less
It seemed, so great my happiness,
That I was blessed and could bless.
~ W. B. Yeats, from “Vacillation”
#ecstasy #solitude #williambutleryeats
My fiftieth year had come and gone,
I sat, a solitary man,
In a crowded London shop,
An open book and empty cup
On the marble table-top.
While on the shop and street I gazed
My body of a sudden blazed;
And twenty minutes more or less
It seemed, so great my happiness,
That I was blessed and could bless.
~ W. B. Yeats, from “Vacillation”
#ecstasy #solitude #williambutleryeats
From man's blood-sodden heart are sprung
Those branches of the night and day
Where the gaudy moon is hung.
What's the meaning of all song?
'Let all things pass away.'
~ W. B. Yeats, from “Vacillation”
#georgeberkeley #SicTransitGloriaMundi #williambutleryeats
From man's blood-sodden heart are sprung
Those branches of the night and day
Where the gaudy moon is hung.
What's the meaning of all song?
'Let all things pass away.'
~ W. B. Yeats, from “Vacillation”
#SicTransitGloriaMundi #williambutleryeats
Thought for the Day. #LyonStrategic #WilliamButlerYeats
#lyonstrategic #williambutleryeats
William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)
#WBYeats #WilliamButlerYeats #Yeats #Käännös #Käännöslyriikka #Käännösruno #Käännösrunoja #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runot #Runous #Suomennos
#wbyeats #williambutleryeats #yeats #kaannos #kaannoslyriikka #kaannosruno #kaannosrunoja #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runot #runous #suomennos
William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)
#WBYeats #WilliamButlerYeats #Yeats #Käännös #Käännöslyriikka #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runosuomennos #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennos
#wbyeats #williambutleryeats #yeats #kaannos #kaannoslyriikka #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runosuomennos #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennos