Here's today's #dragqueen #lovefest 👑 (# 54) This FANTASTIC #queen is #WilliamDorseySwann (a formerly enslaved African American) 1st person to call themself #dragqueen & she's giving me #fabulous Philippine Eagle vibes.
Find out more about her here:
#dragrace #DragMashup #dragisbeautiful #LGBTQIAisUnderAttack #DragIsBeingAttacked #loveislove #SayGay
#saygay #LoveIsLove #dragisbeingattacked #lgbtqiaisunderattack #dragisbeautiful #dragmashup #dragrace #fabulous #williamdorseyswann #queen #lovefest #dragqueen
🏳️🌈 From slavery to voguing: the House of Swann - a guest blog by @MarjorieMorgan on the incredible and previously hidden history of William Dorsey Swann, the 18th century Queen of Drag and pioneer of modern ballroom culture.
#LGBTHistoryMonth #LGBT #LGBT+ #WilliamDorseySwann #Drag #Voguing #LiverpoolMuseums
#liverpoolmuseums #voguing #drag #williamdorseyswann #lgbt #LGBTHistoryMonth