#happybirthday #alexchilton … he would be doing some really cool things if he was still here. Dan Penn (in glasses) and Alex Chilton lounging at the Sam Phillips Recording Service, mid-1970s. Photo by William Eggleston. #danpenn #samphillips #williameggleston #memphis #bigstar #boxtops #cubistblues
#cubistblues #boxtops #bigstar #memphis #williameggleston #samphillips #danpenn #alexchilton #happybirthday
Went to see William Eggleston:The Outlands and a series of Joan Mitchell's paintings from 1979-1975 at Zwirner gallery today. It was so cold outside it drained my battery and I only took this one photo. Both shows were fantastic. Love this photo so much.
#art #clouds #photo #photography #williameggleston
A trio of blended images based on the work of photographer William Eggleston.
(Custom character emulation using custom character set and palette. Blend mode: Normal (Conversion) - 70%)
Created in #Retrospecs for #iOS - https://8bitartwork.co.uk
#retrospecs #iOS #pixelart #8bitart #williameggleston